This is the Message Centre for SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006
hi there
honeypot01xx Started conversation Jul 16, 2003
hi my name is Annette,i think i saw ur name on ld(jazz-mann)
if u check out my space my other user names from ld r there.
hope 2 chat soon
hi there
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Jul 17, 2003
i havent replied to you sooner been on my other user name last couple of days doing some work on that do seem vaguely familiar..i notice from your page that you are looking for ex-LDers have you tried ye oLDe tea shoppe yet?? its on A1017028 and i think we are currently chatting on the thread
tea shoppe4 nip and have a a
and a chat with may know a few of our regulars..
hi there
honeypot01xx Posted Jul 18, 2003
hi marc
no i've not tryed the tea room yet,i've been in the boars head but found that if ur not on all the time u lose track of whats been talked about so stoped going in.
might try the tea room soon n get myself a nice cup of n
thanks 4 replying Annette
hi there
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Jul 18, 2003
the sujects in tea room usually start at the begining of each day so if you lose track of what is being talked about you need only go back a page or two..if there is no one in at the time you go in it may be that they are outside in the big brother style pool that we have in the garden (we don`t serve alcohol, no licence) or you could always help yourself from the vending machines they have
etc in them all items cost soon annette
Marc the
hi there
honeypot01xx Posted Jul 18, 2003
hi again marc
think i'll stay away from the food,bad 4 my figer
but i might join u all 4 a dip in the pool
catch ya later Annette
hi there
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Jul 19, 2003
Your more than welcome to join us for a dip i`m afraid you may have to share my changing room with me though and it is skinny dipping night tonight (or is that tomorrow)...Marc
hi there
honeypot01xx Posted Jul 19, 2003
thats not fair its always skinny dipping what about the ones who r not skinny?
just been messing around with my husbands page 2day n done mine a bit diffrent as well
chat soon Annette
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hi there
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