This is the Message Centre for SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006
Need Help plz :o)
LADY~THUNDERWING Started conversation Jun 28, 2003
Hiya Marc,
Long time no see hun :o)
You might not remember me but we did speak a few times,i was Lady~Thunderwing,DirtyFacedAngel
HeavenLeigh amongst a lot ov others LOL i going around in circles on here hun & just need a clue how to post a msg in the tea shoppe :o) Thanks Hun
Trish x
Need Help plz :o)
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Jul 1, 2003
How can I forget lady~thunderwing
when one of my usernames on LD was THUNDERWING as well as a few other titles from T-Rex songs..
I would love to help you as much as i can the first thing you need to do is to change your researcher number for a name..
LADY~THUNDERWING isn`t a name i have seen on here so maybe you could use that.
I am assuming you are on a telewest digi-box. and that you haven`t yet changed over to plain skin (do that later)
OK to change the name click on the box that says `preferences` once you have done that you will see a box with your researcher number in it, click on that and delete the researcher number and type in your user name, once you have done that go down to box that says OOOOOPS forgot what it says be back in a min.
Need Help plz :o)
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Jul 1, 2003
Sorry about that the box says `update details` click on that then once it has updated them click on where it says <return to your space` and you should find you now are no longer a number you have a name..
then if you look at the bottom of this msg it says reply to this posting or message click on that and let me know you have done it..mind you i will know you have done it because your name will come up on my space instead of your number..
if you like i could teach you how
to put pictures on your space and links to see who is online or other links to take you to various different parts of the H2G2 universe..
If you want to chat private you could always Email me at [email protected]
not a good idea to post your email address on here with it being open but i don`t mind who emails me..
ok here ends this episode of war and peace chat again soon love
Need Help plz :o)
LADY~THUNDERWING Posted Jul 3, 2003
Hiya Marc :o)
Well i have managed to get my number changed into a name with the aid ov you & joe brush :o) Thanks Hun :o)
Id love to know how to change to plain skin & also how you get the links & hearts,flowers,angels,devils n anything else good there is LOL
A lot ov &&&&&&&s there wasnt there
Theres a load ov questions i have but dont wanna bombard you with too many questions at once :o) Hope ur keeping well Marc,long time since ld isnt it ? would you like to see the auld lady ? bfn Trish xxx
Need Help plz :o)
MUSTANG-SALLY..(So scared of the dark, I panic when I blink). Posted Jul 3, 2003
Hi Jrish. Hows it going lady? If you click on this smiley here it will take you to the 'smileys' page where you can get the codes.
I changed my space into 'plain' skin by going to 'kows' personal space and clicking a link there! (Not the usual way to do it, but it worked for me)! lol
If you have any more probs, give me a shout and i'll try to help you out - failing that, i'll at least steer you in the direction of someone who can.
Need Help plz :o)
MUSTANG-SALLY..(So scared of the dark, I panic when I blink). Posted Jul 3, 2003
DANDYHIGHWAYMAN - Oops sorry, i've just noticed that i've posted in your message centre. Many apologies for butting in.
Need Help plz :o)
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Jul 3, 2003
Hi again Trish
I was going to suggest (and still do) that you type the following on an email and send it to your own email address
Here For Lady~Thunderwing H2G2
Type it exactly as you see it
and let me know what you think when you click on there on your emails
As regards the plain skin I got mine by going to `search` then typing in the words `plain skin` then it took me from the list of sites to Mr.Manda`s space but whichever way you get the plain skin once you have go to preferences and you will see a box labled(need to check what it says BRB)
Need Help plz :o)
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Jul 3, 2003
Sorry bout that i just needed to check it is the box just under your name and it is labled `Skin`
if you look in that box it should have `plain` in it if not change it so it has then go down to the `update details` button and that should ensure that it goes to plain skin next time you log in.
when you first log in did you click on a box that says"always remember me on this computer"?
if not then DON`T it will cause you a lot of problems later if you do..
Once you have got your space in plain skin let me know and i`ll try to talk you through a little bit of GUIDE ML just so you can put some nice pictures and a few links on your space..or if you feel that may be too much for you email me and i will discus an easy way to tidy up your space.. (done as but in lower case)
Key: Complain about this post
Need Help plz :o)
- 1: LADY~THUNDERWING (Jun 28, 2003)
- 2: SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 (Jul 1, 2003)
- 3: SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 (Jul 1, 2003)
- 4: LADY~THUNDERWING (Jul 3, 2003)
- 5: MUSTANG-SALLY..(So scared of the dark, I panic when I blink). (Jul 3, 2003)
- 6: MUSTANG-SALLY..(So scared of the dark, I panic when I blink). (Jul 3, 2003)
- 7: SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 (Jul 3, 2003)
- 8: SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 (Jul 3, 2003)
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."