This is the Message Centre for SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006
oldest reseacher
manda1111 Started conversation Apr 14, 2003
Hi marc
the oldest reseacher that I can find is by Researcher U5 , but he has not poeted since Jun 10, 2002
the oldest active reseacher is Jim Lynn he is reseacher U6
Me and loup are the founders of the LDers page and the FoLDers Arms, but I had nothing to do with the start of H2G2, that was Douglas Noel Adams
his page can be found HERE >> U42 , why not pop over and have a look
oldest reseacher
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Apr 14, 2003
Thanks manda..i have actually been to jim lynns page (iam not worthy)..and U5 doesn`t seem to be around.. i did try u1 thinking that would be douglas site..but now i know i will nip and have a look at his i need to take off my shoes before entering ..
Me and helen wondered what you would like putting on your job title we got you and loup as builders..would it be ok to put you down as founders? or maintenance??
oldest reseacher
manda1111 Posted Apr 15, 2003
Don't realy mind what I am down as,
I think maintenance would be ok, as I think you are more of the founders of this little corner,
see what loup thinks
oldest reseacher
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Apr 15, 2003
hi manda does your role of maitenance stretch to replacing car someone potted mine last night so now i have the job of searching scrap yards for a new one takin old one out and fitting the replacement arrrrrrrrggghhhhh
oldest reseacher
manda1111 Posted Apr 15, 2003
sorry to hear that
I did see you say in another conversation that you know who done it,( lurking ) any chance of there help,
or is that a silly question
but if you get it then I will fit
oldest reseacher
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Apr 15, 2003
the lad who done it i`m going to give him a special position in the t-shoppe he will be the first patient in the new hospitals morgue.... I have someone who will fit the new windowscreen for me but need to find one first just have to wait for one of the scrapyards to phone me let me know if there is one in there..thanks ever so much for the offer..
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oldest reseacher
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