This is the Message Centre for sparkess

pal pilot

Post 1


.. smiley - smiley
..... good morning Kerry smiley - hug
..... I see you can't get into pal
..... pilots. Do you want to write a
..... message? If so worldgate is
..... working, but the pal pilot isn't
..... If you type this addy to your
..... self you can get in

..... smiley - rose Marion smiley - rose

pal pilot

Post 2


thanks hun but that doesnt seem to be working either, but i will keep trying,is it all working for you?

pal pilot

Post 3


smiley - hug
.... Can you read your messages in Ld
.... if so I'll send you my email addy
.... then I can send you all the email
.... addys you can use to get in.
.... they don't work from here.
.... love smiley - rose Marion smiley - rose

pal pilot

Post 4


hello hun
no i cant seem to get into ld at all keeps doing a 400
i think it replaces that 6050 every one hated b4 lol

pal pilot

Post 5


..... Sorry Kerry I don't know what a
..... 400 is love. I am on cable not
..... telewest.
..... I saw your message you left me
..... Thank you smiley - hug
..... smiley - rose Marion smiley - rose

pal pilot

Post 6


hello again
a 400 page is just a fault with the system so i cant get in ld, dont you get anything like that on cable?

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