
hello everyonesmiley
My name is Kerry,im 23 years old and i have two children.A boy aged 4 and a
girl aged 2 who keep me very busy.flustered
Im new to h2g2 and normally logg into a chat room called L.D,Where i have met many new friends,and chat to for hours,hug
im into many things,which include going to the pubs and clubsdrunk,cinemaand listening to musicmusicalnote
i also love to take my 2 little kiddies for day trips to theme parks,zoos and to the
i also really enjoy driving,mad i know!weirdand would like to become a driving instructor in the future
so if you would like to have a chat,then message me please either here or under ^snow-white^ on ldok


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Hi every one No Posting Feb 8, 2010
anyone online No Posting Oct 18, 2007
hi No Posting Jun 2, 2007
NEW FRIENDS No Posting Apr 14, 2006
hiya No Posting Mar 2, 2004


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