This is the Message Centre for Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail
It's been a while..
Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912) Started conversation May 2, 2007
.. how are you keeping Uncle Cal?
We are running ourselves ragged with myself and Mrs Ugi both w**king full-time, and the Uglet getting ever cheekier and more energetic . She will be 2 in the summer, and already has a very firm opinion of what she wants and does not want - goodness only knows what we will do when she's 14
Looks like you are pretty active on hootoo at the moment, what with post things and whatnot. How's tricks with you?
It's been a while..
Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail Posted May 2, 2007
I'm an Uncle/father since Dax died last year, I'm juggling working with looking after my 3 year old nephew, who is a little ball of energy but seems to pick up every virus thats going
I'm active because it scares me silly when people start going on about us loosing hootoo because the Edited Guide is failing, because I'll lose that memorial of Tuc's if it all goes pear shapped, silly, I know to be that attached to a page on the internet </>
It's been a while..
Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912) Posted May 2, 2007
Glad you're enjoying being an uncle/father - does that make you a funcle ?
I guess he must go to nursery a fair bit, as our little Uglet does, so I think it's inevitable that they pick up all the bugs around. They say it's good for their immune systems, but it's not exactly great for our beauty-sleep !
Speaking of Uglets, I need to pick her up .
Catch you again soon.
It's been a while..
Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail Posted May 2, 2007
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It's been a while..
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