This is the Message Centre for superdogmonkey


Post 1

dugdog <a.k.a. - corla planktun...buffer of the tiny ruby>

You are cordially invited to the grand opening of THE FIRST CHURCH OF APPLIANTOLOGY A977141. As a recognised zappa afficianado - FuZzASs (h2g2's Frank Zappa Appreciation Society) - request the pleasure of you company. Please feel free to visit Joe's Garage to swap muso tales, load in the white zone or simply hang-out at Corla Planktun's 1 Celled Hammond Organ Emporium. "Don't make a fuss....just get on the bus....."


Post 2


I certainly will attend the grand opening but where to start - so many threads - so little time. Probably won't be able to get into the madness until Monday ......... sorry.

Am off tomorrow so..laters

smiley - monster

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