This is the Message Centre for Avalonia

ACE call Tantrika

Post 1

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

Hello there Tantrika Witchsmiley - biggrin

You're intro is smiley - ok and as long as you don't post something that's obscene or deliberately offensive, I wouldn't worry that you might offend anyone smiley - biggrin

My name's 3 Of 8, and I'll be your ACE (Assistant Community Editor)for the journey... If you look to the left you can see your most recent conversations, if you look to the right you can see your username in a lovely blue/green box.

If you don't like the view, change to Goo by clicking your preference button situated on the orange bar above.

You will notice that there are no exits, you are now asked to remain seated at your computer, and not log out for the remainder of the journey.
<./>DontPanic-Tour</.> This is a good place to start if you want to know more about H2G2, and what you can do here.
You might want to familiarize yourself with the <./>Houserules</.> smiley - smiley
<./>Smiley Page</.> This is the home of the Smiley, H2G2 has lots of smiley - silly Smileys. You can view them all by clicking this link, or even by clicking any of the Smileys you see smiley - ok

You can reply to this message by clicking the reply button below, and you can visit my user space by clicking my name at the top of this message.

A fellow veggie *yay* I'm also a veggie, and I'm a member or the H2g2 Veggie society (I have a link for it on my space in a dropdown box)
I know that you're not alone in your interests mentioned, and I will have a look around for you to see if I can find some pages or people, you might find interesting, if you would like?

If you've any questions, please feel free to ask smiley - smiley

Have fun and enjoy!
smiley - cheers

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