This is the Message Centre for ragdolly


Post 1


.Good morning Sue smiley - hug
.... I did find your old 'corndolly'
.... I clicked on one of your messages
.... you sent me 'Hi Munchkin' and it
.... took me there. very strange.
.... also I have found if you type
.... only to the end of the box and
.... then press 'enter' to start a new
.... line, press the dot 5 times and
.... half the message isn't hiding
.... out of the left hand of the
.... screen. smiley - smiley love from M.
.... smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose


Post 2


thanx for your mssg Marion.think i'll
.....stay as ragdolly now!smiley - smiley i can
.....getinto my page,but only by typing another users name who i've left
.....a mssg for.when i click on my name will then take me to my old page!!smiley - smiley
.....anyway,thanx soon.smiley - hug
.....PS..some of the smilies arnt working xxxxxx


Post 3


. Hi Sue, smiley - smiley
.... No one talking tonight in email
.... so if you don't see me i might
.... have gone for a sleep smiley - yawn
.... I was up very early, like you.
.... smiley - hugsmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose
.... Marion xx


Post 4


have checked e-mail,think everyone is watching footy!
so will go into LD i think for a while.
will check e-mail in a while.smiley - smiley


Post 5


.. Hi Sue smiley - hug
..... I might join you if I don't
..... fall asleep. smiley - hug Marion x


Post 6

Dancer (put your advert here)

smiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprints

Hi corndolly/ragdolly+pinklady *wave*

smiley - run

smiley - hsif

well hello there!!

Post 7


hello there Dancer!!smiley - biggrin..and how are you on this luvvly day?smiley - hug
.....have you been on h2g2 for a long time?i'm a relativly newish 'newbie'!!
.....smiley - cool anyay,plzd to meet you Dancer.
.....have fun!smiley - winkeyesmiley - magic XX

well hello there!!

Post 8

Dancer (put your advert here)

Hi there smiley - cool

I've been here for about 2 years... Since before the BBC was in the deal smiley - smiley

If you have any questions I'd love to help you or play as a listening ear (?eye?).

Though I won't be on h2g2 again until next week, because I'm going on reserve duty (I have a Jurnal Entry on that if you want to read more about that).

smiley - hsif

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