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Post 181


The A team

only team i know can go into a empty barn and make a armourd car wih machine guns and rocket launchers

I am back

Post 182


BBC2 seemed to be doing that yesterday. I mostly ignored the first(?) because I hadn't noticed in time, got seriously involved in the corniness of the second and largely missed the third because someone telephoned me.

I am back

Post 183


In the A Team I think every one drove around with a ram on the side of there car, cos every time there was a car crash you would see one of the car go up in the air and flip over a few times before it landed smiley - rofl

I did not see much of the TV yesterday, I was either at w**k or in the pub smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 184


i know large explosions and no one dies they always divessmiley - laugh

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Post 185

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

smiley - rofl

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Post 186


Can you imagine an army made up of people like the a team, they go in with all there guns blazing and there tanks blasting away, no one is hurt but the other side *Still* surrenders smiley - rofl

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 187


It *is* very implausible and yet somehow regarded as suitable viewing for children. I pointed out at the time they started showing them that it could well give children/teens the idea it was safe to shoot people with guns and blow things up because no-one would get hurt if they did. smiley - erm

I am back

Post 188


That is very true SEF, I think it is the same sort of argument that cartoons (like Tom and Jerry) would give the young the idea that it is ok to hit animals and people over the head with chairs or plates etc; and it would not hurt anyone,
and although I hate to admit it, I can see their point smiley - erm

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 189


When I was young I used to refuse to watch Tom and Jerry because I deemed it unsuitable viewing in portraying violence and the consequences of violence in an unrealistic way. I would take myself out of the room when my father insisted on watching it on TV in the main living room.

These days if I'm with children who are watching that sort of thing I try to make sure they understand it isn't acceptable to behave that way and the true consequences would be very different. The main child for whom I have some partial responsibility always gets rave reviews from school for her caring attitude. So I think that approach works.

I am back

Post 190


I don't remember much of my child hood, (long story smiley - winkeye )
But I realized I had gone a little to far with my son when he came in one day crying saying some of his friends were killing maggots smiley - yikes

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 191


I think I can understand getting upset about the maggots. The manner in which they were killed might have made a difference. How does he deal with your fishing hobby?

smiley - fish öooooo öooooo öooooo smiley - wah

I am back

Post 192


I think it was the manner in which they was killed that was the problem as they was just stapping on them smiley - erm

He is ok with fishing, he is like me there, I will treat the fish as gently as I can so I don't do them any harm, but I don't mind killing them If I am going to eat them smiley - drool

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 193


Ahhh poor A-team geting blamed for all the problems in the worldsmiley - laugh

You cant beat geting back to nature running frolikin naked inthe field`s
smiley - laughoppps did i say thatsmiley - biggrin

I am back

Post 194


Now I think that sounds better than fishing smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 195


Which one blameing the a team for the fact its the age a nuclea war on natureisumsmiley - biggrin

I am back

Post 196


Well i don't think the A Team sound better that thanfishing smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 197


hiya manda hun

only just got ur msg been busy at work so haven't been online much smiley - footinmouth so wot have u been upto then hun?

chat soon

andy xx

I am back

Post 198


Hi andy smiley - ok

Well I had a nice long holiday in the USA and when I got back I found that they had changed all the login things to something call SSO smiley - yikes
and the digibox users could not get on here smiley - yikessmiley - yikes

but a few of the clever people had started to work it out and now it don't seem to bad smiley - winkeye

You been upto much smiley - smiley

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 199


hiya manda i've been really busy in work as i work in a care home so my days are really long as i start at 8.00 in the morning & finish about 7.30 at night but it's a great job and i love working there. i'm hoping 2 go to canada as i've always wanted 2 go as the scenery is amazing and it's a once in a lifetime thing due 2 the cost, whereabouts in the states did u go then? i had probs logging back in as i had 2 change my password which didn't impress me that much but that's life.

chat soon

andy smiley - elf

I am back

Post 200


We went to Utah, Nevada and California, the scenery was breathtaking smiley - biggrin

I used to live in Canada smiley - biggrin
But I was only a yound child at the time so I can't help you much on that, but from what I have been tople about it, you should realy enjoy it there

I wanted to go there but Mrs manda thinks its cold there all the time (and she don't like the cold smiley - winkeye )

manda smiley - peacedove

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