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MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 61


Well I should of gone 20 mins agao. looks like I am going to be late AGAIN smiley - rofl

manda smiley - peacedove

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 62


Hahahahaha I just KNEW we'd have something in common hahahahaha LATE is my middle name hahahahaha I have been known to drive at speed behind a hearse trying to deliver funeral flowers TRUTH believe me hahahahaha Love Pinky xxxx

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 63


Hiya Manda smiley - peacedove

I was late the other day an all for work smiley - sadface got a telling off smiley - wah hows you & mrs manda keeping ?
im ok & the weather is good here today, got my washing out blowing in the breeze smiley - smiley

smiley - love Trish smiley - kiss

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 64


Well that just goes to show Trish your definately in the right gang hahahaha Hi Manda Hope your both Ok Love Pinky xxxxx

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 65


But being a driver and starting off fome my house in a morning, no one know if I was late or just held up in traffic smiley - winkeye

They do have some strange traffic jams round by me smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 66


Hahahahaha nice work if you can get it manda hahaha I'm the boss in my shop hahaha the staff don't speak to me for hours if I'm late hahahaha or make me tea hahahaha THE SHAME !!!! Love Pinky xxxxxxxx

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 67


Hiya u2 smiley - smiley

Hey what a smiley - cool gang we make smiley - rofl a Florist, a Driver & an Escort smiley - roflsmiley - sorry i`ve took so long Mr Mr Floyd is stuck in e-mail so i been popping back & forward, he keeps getting blue screen smiley - sadface

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 68


I think you can get some pills for them Blue screens smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 69


Do they work though ? smiley - rofl

Hiya Manda smiley - peacedove

Hows things in your neck ov the woods hun ? smiley - hug

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 70


I didn't say that they worked, just that you can get them smiley - rofl

it is a smiley - yuk day out there, not raining yet,(but it has been) just smiley - yuk

manda smiley - peacedove

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 71


I know who id like to give them too & what id like to happen but we won`t go into that (im too polite) smiley - rofl
It is raining here at the mo, think i might just hibernate till 2.15 when i i have to go back out smiley - wah

Trish smiley - bat

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 72


Well I have to go out in a min, I just hope it holds off untill I get back, but if it starts raining while I am out I might have to go in a pub to get some shelter smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 73


Well if u do mines a smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - rofl take care & chat to you l8rs
smiley - love Trish smiley - hug

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 74


smiley - stiffdrink No problem smiley - biggrin

and a smiley - stiffdrink for pinky as well smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 75


Oh smiley - ta Manda smiley - peacedove

i will supply the smiley - crispssmiley - crispssmiley - crisps

smiley - love Trish

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 76

Billy60 ...

Manda smiley - peacedove

Guess who smiley - rofl i have been asked to do Chris`s space but i dunno if i can smiley - wah is it diff doing it on pc ?

Trish smiley - headhurts

bbl8rs friend just phoned & is coming for a cuppa

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 77


Hi billy smiley - ok

nice to see you

In Theory you can do the same on a PC that you can on a digibox. It is just easyer on a PC
You can cut and paste and you don't have the problem of to much text so you can't edit.

but apart from that it is the same smiley - smiley

manda smiley - peacedove

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 78

Billy60 ...

Hiya Manda smiley - peacedove

Trish here again hun, i mean that coz he is on a pc & im on digibox do i have to use different codes to do his space up ? when i looked into his "edit this page" bit i didn`t know where i was smiley - rofl all those colspans or whatever they were smiley - rofl help me plz smiley - grovel

Trish smiley - kiss

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 79


Hi trish smiley - kiss

You use the same codes as you do with a PC and a digibox
The colspan is used in a TABLE. Its when you start to put more that one colum in a table (Like at the top of my page)

manda smiley - peacedove

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 80


Im struggling with it hun smiley - wah won`t be beaten though smiley - rofl will try again tomozz, my friend is here & has just gone to shop for wine..

Chat l8rs & smiley - ta Manda smiley - peacedove Heres a smiley - rose from me & some smiley - choc

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