This is the Message Centre for manda1111

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 21


Hi Trish ,I'll certainly have a look,I thought what you've done already looks wonderful,but,who am I to argue ???? I'll just do as I'm told Trish xxxxx Hi manda ,hope your OK xxx Love Pinky xxxxx

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 22


Hiya Pinky smiley - smiley

Well you can always add another box under the one i designed hon & put some ov your other interests on it like music etc etc smiley - biggrin

Hiya Manda smiley - hug

Im back to pester you again smiley - rofl i am trying to do this & on my space but everytime i click inbetween & i either get a whole load ov gobbledygook & space freezes or it all looks blank & freezes ? what am am i doing wrong smiley - wah

smiley - love Trish smiley - kiss

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 23


Hi pinky smiley - ok

hi trish smiley - ok
Well the first one is and ends with not
see if that makes a diference

manda smiley - peacedove

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 24


smiley - ta Manda smiley - hug

I will go & try it out now hun

smiley - love Trish

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 25


Did it work ? i keep getting slung out at mo smiley - grr

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 26


I am trying to find out. but the stupid H2G2 is crap smiley - steam

manda smiley - peacedove

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 27


giggles it worked on one dunno bo bout other canna find where its meant to be smiley - rofl help im losing my marbles Manda smiley - grovel wheres ths the forum one go ?

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 28


They both work hun smiley - ok

If you goto leave your self a message you will see one there,(where you go to post the message)
and when you look at your messages you will see the other one there smiley - ok

I'm going, I cannot stand it being this slow smiley - steamsmiley - run

manda smiley - peacedove

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 29


Oh smiley - cool i found one & changed piccy dunno what piccies i want actually yet but will work on that problem maybe when this thing is in a better mood smiley - rofl bfn Manda Take Care Hun smiley - love Trish

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 30


Morning smiley - kiss

I am just getting ready for w**k smiley - ok

manda smiley - peacedove

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 31


Hiya Manda smiley - peacedove

Im dreading w**k tomozz coz ov the snow smiley - sadface not the best weather to be driving here there & everywhere eh smiley - wah whats it like where you live?

Trish smiley - kiss

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 32


Well they have started to grit the roads. but no snow yet smiley - biggrin

but we have suposed to have been having it for the last 2 days, so we will hane to wait and see smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 33


Come and live in Sunny Blackpool with me Trish not a flake here YET !!! Keep warm Love Pinky xxxx Manda ,hi.Hope your keeping warm too.Love Pinky xxxxx See you both soon smiley - rose See how clever I am now ?? I can make a rose smiley - rose Ooppps and another hahahaha xxxx

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 34


Pinky smiley - smiley

I do smiley - love snow, but my bones don`t agree with me smiley - roflsmiley - love it especially when im in house cosied up in front ov fire or outside the throwing smiley - snowball but i hate going on roads in this weather smiley - wah

Hey smiley - cool Pinky, would you like me to send you something a bit more technical to do ?

smiley - love Trish xxx

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 35


Trish I know just what you mean.My driving is far from perfect on a sunny day hahahaha God help them all if I had to drive in snow !!!! Trish if you want to TRY and turn me into a computer whiz kid,I'll do my best for you,so, send whatever you think.ONLY !!!! Don't hold your breath or anything silly will you ??? Love Pinky xxxxx

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 36


Hey Pinky smiley - smiley

I have faith in you hon, if you need a list ov colors to look at let me know smiley - hug

Trish xxx

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 37


Trish I have just been to places I never knew existed !!!! HORRIFYING !!!!!! I clicked on edit this space,and couldn't get back!!! I don't care who doen't like the colour of my writing it's staying just as it is OK ?? Phew !!! I need a lie down now hahahaha I'm serious hahaha Love from an EXHAUSTED Pinky xxxx

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 38


Giggled thats all my handiwork hon & what makes your page look ok the way it does LOL what do you think ov purple ? im just off to shop bbs but have work at 8.15 smiley - run

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 39


Get me somthing nice from the shops smiley - biggrin

manda smiley - peacedove

MANDA ON H2G2 (13)

Post 40


I'm off to my flower shop !!! A smiley - rose perhaps ?? HahHahahaha See you later Manda xx xxx TRISH your a star REALLY xxxxx Take Care Love Pinky xxxxx

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