This is the Message Centre for manda1111


Post 1

Star Fleet...

hows it going mate smiley - smiley i was wondering how do create a conversation forum like the boars head ?? ie the bar area etc dont panic im not creating a pub smiley - biggrin but it would be smiley - cool to know how smiley - cheers


Post 2



All you have to do is start the coversation that you want to link to,
and then in the link you put the thread number
so if you start the conversation I will get you the thread number for you smiley - ok

manda smiley - peacedove


Post 3

Star Fleet...

smiley - cheers but i need to link it to somewhere smiley - headhurts like say a link to someones page when i looked at the guide ml for the folders arms it had F121640?thread=288018 or something like that smiley - cheers


Post 4


You start a Guide entry and make it into what ever you like (like the FoLDers arms)

Then you start the conversation yourself at the bottom of the entry
and then you just put links from the guide entry to the conversations at the bottom of the page

if you look at the bottom of the FoLDers arms you will see all the conversation there smiley - smiley

I hope that is what you mean, if not just let me know smiley - ok

manda smiley - peacedove


Post 5

Star Fleet...

smiley - cheers mate smiley - ale


Post 6


No problem smiley - smiley

is that what you wanted smiley - ok

manda smiley - peacedove


Post 7

Star Fleet...

yeah the very one smiley - smiley im starting a fan club for the playstation 2 and also put links to the entries that people have wrote it could take a while smiley - grrsmiley - laughsmiley - ale

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