This is the Message Centre for Constipated Squirrel

Constipated Squirrel?!?

Post 1

Backstage queen of Messalonskee

Okay, I saw your name and had to ask. Do you have some repressed childhood memory that affected your psyche? How did you come up with the name Constipated Squirrel? You know, after I ask these questions, I usually regret it, 'cause I realize I really didn't want to know. Oh, well, now that I've asked, don't keep me in suspense.

Constipated Squirrel?!?

Post 2

Constipated Squirrel

F19585?thread=178354&post=1964289#p1964289 smiley - smiley

Constipated Squirrel?!?

Post 3

Constipated Squirrel

Well, I haven't kept you in suspense - but *you* have! smiley - tongueout

Just getting this back into your "My recent Conversations" bit so you can reply soon smiley - winkeye

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