This is the Message Centre for Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing...
cutebabe Started conversation Apr 22, 2002
i am new to this too.
just learnin on how to get people to tlk to me.
i know gerie on here and doggymad.
it would be great if we could start to
chat as well.
hope u send me a reply back, from wat i have read u seem a
a really nice person.
3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG> Posted Apr 29, 2002
Hello Cutebabe
I'm Vicki's sister
I am so sorry that she didn't reply to this message. Please forgive her She said she didn't realise that you'd sent this.
When she logs on next she will definitely send you a posting... And make sure you moan at her for being rude
I hope that you're finding your way around the site
Have fun and enjoy!
Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing... Posted Apr 29, 2002
Hello cutebabe
I am so sorry I did not reply to you ... Fault on my part...
How are you anyway?
Glad you took the time out to chat, and yet again I am sorry I did not respond...
Would like for you keep in touch...
Speak to you soon...
cutebabe Posted May 3, 2002
hello vicki
sorry i havent got back to u but have had
same problems with my tv.
i am fine thanxs. Hope u still wont
to keep in touch.
how r u anyway?? say hi to ur sister
for me please.
i have been havin fun wallpaperin my kids bedroom
and me and my bloke have never wallpaper
Hope to chat to u soon.
love cutebabexx
3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG> Posted May 6, 2002
Hello Cutebabe
How are you doing<?>
How's the wallpapering going<?>
Vicki can take a while to respond because she doesn't own a PC herself, so she can only get online at mine, or our father's house. I keep telling her to get her own computer, but she'd much rather come and take over mine
But I guess that's what younger sisters do best
Anyway, I hope that you're enjoying your time on here If you need any help, or you have any questions, let me know!
Have fun and enjoy!
cutebabe Posted May 6, 2002
The wallpapering in goin fine thanxs,
that is my kids bedroom all done
just got to do mine know.
Still not sure on wat i can do on here
yet cos i am on telewest with this not
a pc. but hopin to get a pc soon.
So how r u doin then???
If u have got any ideas on where i
can go on here and how i get there
i would be insterested but i dont think i can do much as not on pc
but any help would be greatfully.
chat with u again soon i hope
Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing... Posted May 7, 2002
Hey Cutebabe...
How are you?
I guess the papering got done by yourself then, I do all our decorating... I have not long finished doing my front room... My old man commenting on my wonky border ... like to see him do better... me thinks not!!!
So you would like to know where you can go on here? 3 Of 8 can offer you some links to things you may be interested in... Or maybe you should try hanging aroung the <./>AskH2G2</.> site... They have many topics come up, you may find something you are intrested in.
Hope to chat soon
cutebabe Posted May 7, 2002
Hello vicki
me and my fella did the kids bedrm it is the first time both of us have wallpapered
thanxs for that link babe.
so how r u doin then??
it is rainin where i am.
hope u had a good weekend babe??
hope to chat to u soon
Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing... Posted May 7, 2002
The weather here is dire, but what's new for Birmingham!!
I am fine, and I have had a great weekend thank you... I brought myself my first Mini so I spent my weekend working on that!...
Well at least your bloke did give you a hand, I think even if mine offered I would say no... If anything does not go right , I can not blame him... he he!
Hope you are keeping well!!!
cutebabe Posted May 20, 2002
hiya vicki
sorry it has taken me so long to reply but they have been doin upgrades on telewest so i havent been able to get in here.
so how have u been keepin then???
how is the mini goin???
the weather is great were i am we have had same nice and hot days. hope it has been hot where
u r babe.
hope to chat with u soon hun.
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: cutebabe (Apr 22, 2002)
- 2: 3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG> (Apr 29, 2002)
- 3: Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing... (Apr 29, 2002)
- 4: cutebabe (May 3, 2002)
- 5: 3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG> (May 6, 2002)
- 6: cutebabe (May 6, 2002)
- 7: Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing... (May 7, 2002)
- 8: cutebabe (May 7, 2002)
- 9: Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing... (May 7, 2002)
- 10: cutebabe (May 20, 2002)
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