This is the Message Centre for Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing...

ACE Calling!

Post 1

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

Good Afternoon Vicki smiley - biggrin

Welcome to H2G2 smiley - biggrin

My name's 3 Of 8, and I'm one of the Assistant Community Editors (ACEs).
ACEs are a group of volunteers, who meet and greet new users like yourself, help you find your way around the site, and answer any questions that you might have. smiley - smiley

Below are a few links that you might find helpful

<./>Welcome-Newcomers</.> This is a brief welcome, with a few hints to finding your way around.
<./>DontPanic-Tour</.> This is a good place to start if you want to know more about H2G2, and what you can do here.
You might want to familiarize yourself with the <./>Houserules</.> smiley - smiley
<./>Smiley Page</.> This is the home of the Smiley, H2G2 has lots of smiley - silly Smileys. You can view them all by clicking this link, or even by clicking any of the Smileys you see smiley - ok

You can reply to this message by clicking the reply button below, and you can visit my user space by clicking my name at the top of this message.

If you have any problems or questions, then please feel free to ask, simply reply to this message and I will do my best to help. smiley - biggrin

Have fun and enjoy!
smiley - cheers

3 Of 8

I'm smiley - run to add humorous and embarrassing (for you anyway), anecdotes to my page! smiley - laugh

ACE Calling!

Post 2

Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing...

hello jesse...

Please leave me alone unless i require your help...

Thanking you in advance.....

Vicki smiley - sheep


Post 3

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

Afternoon VICTORIA smiley - nahnah

Right, you want me to leave you alone do you? smiley - bigeyes

Will do, but before I go, can I just point out the following;

Jesse is spelt with a capital j, you can do this by holding the 'shift' key (the ones with the big up arrows on), and pressing the j key at the same time.

You should always capitalize 'I', including when you type I've, and I'm.

You can make any of the letters capitals, by using the pressing shift method, also you might like to try it with the number keys as well, you will find various symbols that may come in handy that way. smiley - tongueout

Have fun and enjoy!
smiley - cheers

*Spits on Vicki's smiley - sheep*


Post 4

The Ghost of Polidari

Isn't family embarrassing smiley - biggrin


Post 5

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

Evening Polidari smiley - smiley

*Ignores Vicki*

My family certainly is, check out the 'What's your most embarrassing moment' thread, you can reach it from my page... I posted what I thought was an embarrassing (for my sister anyway smiley - laugh) story, which my sister will just love me telling everyone one about!

Go have a look see smiley - smiley

For Vicki smiley - tickle

Have fun and enjoy!
smiley - cheers


Post 6

Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing...


Thank you Jessicca...with a capital J...

Thanking you in advance for further embarrasments...

smiley - sheep


Post 7

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

Good morning Vikkitoria smiley - biggrin

You're most welcome smiley - bigeyes

Anytime you need help, tying your shoelaces or whatever, you just let me know, and I'll smiley - laugh at you.

Have fun and enjoy!
smiley - cheers


Post 8

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

Well trouty smiley - hsif

I'm sitting here adding bloody Sporks to your page for you smiley - bigeyes and where are you? Ignoring everyone on H2G2, by claiming that you have to go to work smiley - cross

Tell them to fetch their own darned pizzas, and come and admire the Spork smiley - cool

Milikes pop but his brusen dusant, as you can see. smiley - winkeye
You missed that woman @ the school, the one who never washes her hair, she had it 'up' today, very funkem smiley - ok

And stop that bloody sheep, from butt sniffing will ya smiley - sheepsmiley - sheep

Have fun and enjoy!
smiley - cheers


Post 9

Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing...

Well... chick...

Me thinks greasy bird is a fetching darling..even more so with her hair up...

Did you notice if she needed a band? Grease probably kept it up...eeeeewwwww smiley - erm


Leave my bleating sheep alone....

smiley - sheep


Post 10

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

Where are you<?>
Why aren't you here<?>
How come you've not logged on to answer your messages<?>
Do you think you have things to do that are more important<?>
When are you likely to return<?>

God, I'm bored now...

Right then trouty... I'm off... I spose I'll see you some time soon.

Have fun and enjoy!™™
smiley - cheerssmiley - oj <-- For you, you're driving! smiley - silly

*Smacks Vicki's smiley - sheep repeatedly while she's not here to protect it* smiley - laugh


Post 11

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

I see you've been online smiley - bigeyes And, you've just ignored the pathetic plight of your battered smiley - sheep

You have had the chance to protect it from the kicking, I have been giving it, while you were absent, and unable to protect it....

I am disgusted with you smiley - cross. I am smiley - run to report you to the smiley - sheep Protection Agency.

You should be ashamed of yourself smiley - yikes

*Kicks the smiley - sheep in the shins* Ha! Take that!

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