Well, aren't you the curious type!!
Newly updated! as of this writing (September 2003), i'm 26 years old, and i live in Lebanon, Illinois, USA. I'm mostly Irish, and quite a bit English, with some other bits thrown in. I'm going out of my skull since my band is on indefinite hiatus...the band in question being St. James Gate, somewhat known in the St. Louis area. For further information on me, check in at http://invisible77.tripod.com" >http://invisible77.tripod.com (sorry about the pop-ups). To check out the band, our official site is located at http://sjg665.tripod.com" >http://sjg665.tripod.com (maintained mostly by Torgo, our drummer) and further info/sounds can be found at http://www.mp3.com/stjamesgate/" >http://www.mp3.com/stjamesgate/ which is maintained by yours truly. More (and hopefully more interesting) things to come.
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Sorry we're running a bit late! | Aug 2, 2002 |
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U.S. Airings | Aug 2, 2002 | Nov 27, 2002 |
Sorry we're running a bit late! | Aug 2, 2002 | No Replies |
How about a mini-episode guide? | Jul 25, 2002 | No Replies |
Minor Additions | Apr 16, 2002 | No Replies |
Characters | Apr 16, 2002 | No Replies |
Researcher U192757
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