This is the Message Centre for Brian

Welcome to the Guide Brian

Post 1


Hello Brian, welcome to The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy Earth Edition. My name is Greebo T. Cat, and I am an ACE here at the Guide. An ACE or Assistant Community Editor, is a member of a group of people who volunteer to greet newcomers to H2G2 like you, and make sure they are happy and have no troubles or worries. If you have, or would just like to say hello then click on the REPLY button below.

I have written a short introduction message and some links to a few pages on H2G2 which you can find by clicking on this link, A517286.

Don't worry if things seem a little over-whelming at the moment, we all feel like this when we first joined H2G2, just take your time and browse the Guide. If you feel like leaving a message in any of the forums, or conversations you find on your travels, then please do so. People around here love talking to each other, and will make you feel very welcome. You can start by visiting my home page, just click on my name at the top of this message, and you will be transported as if by magic there.

Take care, Greebs.. xx

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Welcome to the Guide Brian

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