This is the Message Centre for The Knights of h2g2
Hey, mystrunner!
Lucrecia (Knight of an Unusual Amount of Healing Items, Movie Buff Extraordinaire - A809958) Started conversation Aug 23, 2002
Lucrecia here! We spoke earlier today.
Anyway, just thought I'd drop you a line and let you know that I can indeed be a Valkrie for you (medium speed and magic power, shots *can* go through walls, shield gives extra defense.... Valkrie shot the food...)
Let me know what I can do around the castle!
PS: If you ever need help getting rid of goblins, ghosts, demons, or whatever, let me know. I've got this posse... (A wizard, a barbarian, and this elf named Questor...)
Hey, mystrunner!
Mystrunner Posted Aug 23, 2002
All we really need is a persona...
like Knight of the (blank).
Hey, mystrunner!
Lucrecia (Knight of an Unusual Amount of Healing Items, Movie Buff Extraordinaire - A809958) Posted Aug 23, 2002
How about "Knight of the Unusual Amount of Healing Items" (like a chemist in Final Fantasy V)
Hey, mystrunner!
Mystrunner Posted Aug 24, 2002
Fine by me!
You might even want to sign up with the healer...
I see about getting you into the lists.
Hey, mystrunner!
Lucrecia (Knight of an Unusual Amount of Healing Items, Movie Buff Extraordinaire - A809958) Posted Aug 24, 2002
Thanks! Next time we're both on, I'll aid you in battle, captian!
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Hey, mystrunner!
- 1: Lucrecia (Knight of an Unusual Amount of Healing Items, Movie Buff Extraordinaire - A809958) (Aug 23, 2002)
- 2: Mystrunner (Aug 23, 2002)
- 3: Lucrecia (Knight of an Unusual Amount of Healing Items, Movie Buff Extraordinaire - A809958) (Aug 23, 2002)
- 4: Mystrunner (Aug 24, 2002)
- 5: Lucrecia (Knight of an Unusual Amount of Healing Items, Movie Buff Extraordinaire - A809958) (Aug 24, 2002)
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