Journal Entries

I made it!

smiley - starI made it!
I´m alive and I have a steady job!
and hopefully times will be better now!
Love is important... and support... and FRIENDS!!!!!!smiley - star

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Latest reply: May 24, 2002


There is the secret sign of the fish
smiley - fish-and fish is good for humans and cats!smiley - bluefishsmiley - bluefishsmiley - bluefish

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Latest reply: May 24, 2002


What gives you hope and comfort?
What helps you live trough hard times?smiley - star

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Latest reply: May 9, 2002

Time travelling-Today ...the only moment there is...

Today...Can you travel in time?
- or is the moment just now the only moment we have
-or shall I say -had?...
Sometimes in my life I just could live one day at a time, just trying to cope.
I wonder, If people could time-travel: -WHAT WOULD THEY DO?
-and where would they go?
I know for the moment that I would like to jump over the coming weeks!
smiley - run (Wish I could and be safe!)
smiley - roseI think that things you learned as a child maybe take you trough hard times, gives you a direction on where you are going and what you want to do in your future.When I go trough hard times, I go back in my memories to when, as a 3-4 year old child, I walked in the garden with my grandfather,played while my grandfather was working in the garden and talking to him and listening to him.
He told me everything about planting,digging,trees,flowers,birds,mushrooms,how to clean your hands after working, and how to look around you...and how to take care...
And now in times of worry and sadnesssmiley - bluesmiley - cry I go outside, and get comfort from stones,trees,the grass,birds...I go back...and in my memories the days then, where days of wonder,and safety, and happiness.
So, in a way I mind-time- travel! What do you think about this? smiley - star
PS. And the name of the little flower good for towell-making is a FLAX!smiley - cheerup as My friend John -the -gardener told me.
It is in a beautiful blue colour and you can also dry some and put them in a jar and they will look good the whole year trough! If you wonder about this, read my journals further down and it will all be clear as the sky!smiley - bigeyesDS.

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Latest reply: May 9, 2002

What does your computer look like?

Computers should be personal . Se my journals. I wonder wich one of you has the most personal one????smiley - cool OR FREAKED OUT ONE? smiley - angel

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Latest reply: Apr 13, 2002

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Towels&Pillows&the one that tuck you in and say goodnight

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