Journal Entries

we're too lazy

wow...... rhia has been lazy lately so i'm gonna write something... hmmmmm what to write about..... cloaking in teh dark is fun u never know what reaction to expect from ppl many interesting looks are given during teh dya but at night, if we wish to cross the road most cars will stop for ussmiley - smiley hehehehehe

the wizard of the house is now checkin out

smiley - wizardlauren

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Latest reply: Aug 23, 2002

stuff and things

Well! I am sorry not to have come here for a while. Laziness combined with business. I went to soth America for two weeks. A hint or two-never assume pedestrians have the right of way. They don't. And careful if you take a cab because the door could fall off. Taxis are amazingly run down there. I have been doing many things lately. Walking, thinking, getting blisters on my feet from the heat, that sort of thing. Good stuff.
Rhia smiley - elf

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Latest reply: Jul 13, 2002


In my last entry, I typed "Kake". I meant "Lake".

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Latest reply: May 2, 2002


I may have a summer job as a counselor at Blue Kake this summer! That would be very cool. I sent in my resume today and I hope I get it!
smiley - elfRhia

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Latest reply: May 2, 2002

not up to much

As the title sugests, I'm not up to much. i went to a movie last night. resident evil. It was pretty good, very gory, and I had a bit of a hard time following the plot, but a plot is not really necesary for a good movie. when I got home, I watched some LOTR on my computer. sort of to counter the other movie. and it worked.
smiley - elfRhia

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Latest reply: Apr 14, 2002

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