Shakey's page.

To ask for cheats email me at

[email protected]

and i will send them to you, cheers.

to find cheats search like this E.G.

the fifth element (playstation)

just change the game and computer you want.

to see more of my guide entrys just click on my name to the top right of this page on the blue back drop, cheerz.

These are just a few cheats

time crisis (playstation) to get five lives shoot of the screen at the game mode select screen and start the game with five lives. requested by mouse81.

cool boarders 3 (playstation) to open all tracks rename yourself wonitall, to get all boarders rename yourself open_em.

gex: deep cover gecko (playstation) to get invincibility hold down L2 and press, down, up, left, left, triangle, right, down.

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Hola shakey!.. Apr 17, 2002


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Researcher U192243


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