This is the Message Centre for Goose:Keeper of Squeaky Rubber Duckies and Other Assorted Squeaky Toys

Welcome Keeper...

Post 1


Welcome to H2G2, the hoopiest place on the net!
I'm Smilodon Prefect, here to welcome you and help you get to grips with the workings of H2G2.
And this is my mechanical dog K-19
K-19smiley - dog"Hi!Ruff!"
Somewhere you might find useful is the Guide ML Clinic: A187229
It shows you how to do all the fiddly stuff!
To find a freat page of smileys, click this one-->smiley - fullmoon and it'll take you to the smiley page!

If you need to ask me any thing, dodn't hesitste, its what I'm here for!

Have fun!

smiley - flyhi

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Welcome Keeper...

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