This is the Message Centre for Serephina

My computer hates me!

Post 21


What have you manged to fix the computer or the digibox?

My computer hates me!

Post 22


neither..went roun mums n pinched her remote after a bit of a nice dinner toosmiley - tongueout

My computer hates me!

Post 23


You nicked your mums remote.

You're meant to give stuff to your mum on Mothers day, not nick it smiley - tongueout

My computer hates me!

Post 24


ill give it back then shall i?smiley - tongueout

My computer hates me!

Post 25


Does she use it?

My computer hates me!

Post 26


not a great deal,n its only a lend till i get a new one or the puter fixedsmiley - erm

My computer hates me!

Post 27


'goes away'

My computer hates me!

Post 28


made some progress with the puter last night,so hopefully it wont be too much longer

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