This is the Message Centre for Serephina


Post 1


I can't stop worrying...smiley - erm

Early sunday morning I had an extremely severe asthma attack..the worst I've ever had. It wasn't like the attacks I had earlier in the year that started with palpitations, hyperentilation and panic and ended up with me falling unconcous, I now believe they were a mixture of panic and an adverse reaction to a medicine I was taking and the time it happened and I stopped breathing there was an underlying chest infection.
Sunday morning there was no palps or funny heartbeat, (and I really hope thats not cos i'd had some diazepam before bed)just what started out like a normal asthma attack! it didn't clear up as quick as usual so we called 999 , by the timethey arrived i was a lot worse and could barely speak and was beginning to panic, my air powered nebs weren't working n neither did theirs with the added oxygen! i got worse and all they could do was try to calm me down enough to move me...i fell almost unconcious first though (eyes still open and heard a few things but felt nothing)and had to be carried to the trolley bed in the hall the next thing i new from sitting on my bed was being in rescuss . it seemed to take forever and a million IV drugs and nebs to feel ok again andi was admitted for more iv meds , nebs and oxygen therapy . they sent me home this afternoon wih steroids and an antibiotic in case theyve missed an infection...and i'm terrified!what if they sent me home too soon and it happens again? what if it happens again and i'm alone and cant get to help? what if it wasnt just asthma attack but a reaction to drugs again (champix, the smoking one perhaps)and i just didnt realise cos the diazepam i'd taken for anxiety meanti didnt get the palps? thatd mean it will happen again... ged is working for the pastoffice at the mo and has to leae at 5am.most of my bad attacks are between 5 and8 am..though can be any shaking andcrying as i type and just so frightened...


Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

Is there nobody you can call who can stay with you? smiley - hug


Post 3

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

Could you not get an alarm system like they have in sheltered housing?

smiley - cheers


Post 4


Been in this situation.

1: keep your mobile fully charged & with you at ALL, i mean ALL times, even if just popping upstairs for a pee.

2: Have programmed into the mobile number of Emergency Services & Ged

...That alone means you will panic less. You don't have to worry about kids, animals, house etc if suddenly rushed off.

So then, all you have to worry about is you. Drop your shoulders, right now, it automatically opens up the chest & you will be less distressed. Getting on hootoo is a good idea, anything which distracts you from naughty breathing is good, plus we really do care & internet contact is better than no contact.

It's easy to say smiley - dontpanic; but you will, 'cos major asthma attacks obviously have panic involved (er, can't breathe tends to do that!)so all you can do is try & reduce panic by thinking logically: posting on here coherently means there is plenty of spare oxygen for brain & fingers to function, so even if it feels like your last gasp; it isn't.

I would seriously get the docs to check your medication combination; my asthma has improved enormously since i stopped the beta blockers (for palpitations; haven't had any since & my heart check said it was fine)...but other meds may also react badly with the puffers.

As to smoking; yes, of course you should stop *but* if the meds for helping quit make you more sick than the actual cigs, which seem to help calm you down...maybe better to just reduce/switch to lower tar? Another thing which is totally politically incorrect advice is, maybe have a little drink, just to steady you; especially if you've been on the razz in the run up to Christmas stuff; not recommended every day, but if you have a panic attack, it might help & as far as i know, alcohol doesn't make asthma worse.

Do you have a "spacer" device to use at home with your puffers? I found they really helped; lessens the cough/gag reflex when you try to get the stuff into your lungs.

Daft as it may sound, singing helps!!! Sing "Help!" or whatever is your favourite most appropriate song as loud as you can, it's a good way of clearing the blockage & also letting offsmiley - steam

smiley - goodluck



Post 5


Thanks everyone!

I ended up freaking out and calling an ambulance and taking a diazepam. Ged met me at A&E as he was already back there collecting some drugs that weren't ready when they discharged me. My sats etc were really good,een by my standards! so i was told it was a 4hr wait to be seen by a doctor and had an ecg done as had a little chest pain. thenurse saiditlooked fine but the dr would check it quickly and they might refer me to EMDOC (the out of hours GP service)the doctor then came in and pretty much accused me of wasting their time! hewas like..well they only discharged you today so you must be 'are' her quite a bit...wait four n a half hours if you want.blah blah..all inhis best 'youre acrazy hyperchondiac' tone!
i explained that i take no pleaseure inbeing there and had just been generally concerned that i had been sent home too early and id rather look a bit daft now than be back in their resus room at 5am! he actually said 'youre welcome back to resus anytime!' !!! just because ive had a high attendance rate wuth my asthma this year...coupleofajor attacks, couple of less serious ones, anda fair few thinking itss going to be worse than it is then the amulance crewinsisting oin taking me because of the previous majors.does that mean i should be treated like that?? i think not..

i'm home now and thankfully feeling much better , think it was just panic..prolly mixed with over tiredness , cold and not having eaten properly..i hope so anyway!


Post 6

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

You've had a lot on your plate, recently smiley - hug

No wonder you are not feeling well! smiley - smoochsmiley - cuddle


Post 7

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

smiley - hug

If you need me, if you should ever need your e-mail.

Mags smiley - cuddle


Post 8

Milla, h2g2 Operations

smiley - cuddle

I've finally got msn, and am online now and then... it's the same as my email. I've lost yours over a couple of reformats of laptop.

smiley - towel


Post 9


[email protected] smiley - ok

still feeling poorly though well sedated at the mo after spending most of yesterday back in the hospital (they sent me home at 5am!)having lotsof blood tests and stuff as i was reallu light headed and my heart kept racing. decided it was panic and a sideaffect/reaction pf my new anti biotics most likely, so different anti bios and a higher dose of diazepam to see how it goes..not too bad so far. I do hope i'm not going to feellike this constantly though n itll pass in a dayor two. I also really hope Ged hasnt lost hisjob! he was doing a bit of xmascasual for the post office, had to stay with me the state i'm in /was in last night and hasnt a number to contact them!


Post 10


Typical! It's the Post Office & they didn't think to give employees a contact number?smiley - huh I doubt he'd lose the job, they will be screaming out for people at this time of year & domestic health crises do happen.

I bet you will feel better once you're off the antibiotics; they really muck up your system...but obviously necessary if you have a nasty infection. Try & eat yogurt when you're on them; it helps stop "lower-end" side effects.smiley - winkeye


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