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What a day!

Post 41


Ahh, so we were always told but i reckon it's a myth! A nice cheese butty never did anyone any harm. I personally think going to bed hungry is more likely to cause bad sleep stuff.


What a day!

Post 42


Its definately a myth, but then if you are eating anything before you go to bed you're depriving your body of that much needed rest time.

Saying that, there is no amount of reasoning that would stop me from demanding chips and mayonaise from Ged when Serephina and I roll in from the pub... smiley - cdoublesmiley - drunk

What a day!

Post 43


or turkey csmiley - bleepsmiley - rofl

poor Ged

I think he's dreading the state we're going to return in saturday night smiley - laugh

when you up for a spot of shopping..bromley poundland has pink glittery cowboy hats! smiley - diva and i also msay need to buy a more clevagy top..

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