This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Oi you lot..

Post 101


You silly bean! But you'll know for next time to leave in plenty of time to get there! smiley - biggrin

Oi you lot..

Post 102

You can call me TC

Just keeping the floors spotless won't be enough - they can climb anything.

Oi you lot..

Post 103

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

can't you leave a trail of cheese or something from his hidyhole to somewhere else.

Oi you lot..

Post 104


weve left food n water down n shes no intention of coming out even for her favoutite, a bit of bananna. The slight worry is theres a gap behind there and we dont know where it leads , though shes been finding her way back to taunt us so should be ok .

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