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Not myself ;)

Post 21


Really struggling to get this gluey cack off the front room floor so a hand with that would be very welcome! smiley - puff it must be cos i have little strength in my hands, elbow grease isnt a strong point!

Not myself ;)

Post 22


Not a problem! smiley - ok

I am formulating a plan involving some Jay cloths, a hairdryer and a wall paper scraper! smiley - bigeyes I'll bring my hair dryer over with me as it has a ridiculously long lead on it! smiley - biggrin

Did I tell you my bloody cats keep eating/chewing my rubber gloves????!!! If I leave them out on the side where they can be nobbled highbury comes along and eats big holes in them!! Stupid animal! smiley - laugh

Not myself ;)

Post 23


Awwwww bless her smiley - laugh

Not myself ;)

Post 24


Seems it was PMT smiley - doh The urge to scrub like mad has gone as fast as it came

Not myself ;)

Post 25


And I'm still trying to shift that sodding glue smiley - cross

Not myself ;)

Post 26

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Get thee to the pharmacy and ask for chemical benzine, (or what it might be called on your island) and some methyl or ethyl spirits.

Try those on the glue. Then try oil. Then give up and use chisel and hammer.

What are the components of the glue? Perhaps if you read me the label I can think of something?

smiley - towel

Not myself ;)

Post 27


Don't have the label as it was self adhesive floor tiles put down a while ago that weve now decided to remove. tried oil, tried a hair dryer n wall paper scraper, trying white spirit at the mo which seems to be working slowly smiley - puff

Not myself ;)

Post 28

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Test a spare tile, perhaps aceton works on glue? It might ruin the tile though, so test first.

smiley - towel

Not myself ;)

Post 29


you mean like nail polish remover type stuff?

Not myself ;)

Post 30

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Yes - acetone. But not the gentler brand removers - oh what the h*ck, you could try that as well. They usually are acetone free. It all depends on what kind of glue it is. Is it very hard, going brittle? or is it rubbery? Could you call the store that sold the tiles?
Perhaps soaking a piece of cotton and let it lie on the spot for a while may help? No heat on acetone and spirits though - very flammable!

smiley - towel

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