This is the Message Centre for Serephina

The birthday jinx..

Post 1


..always strikes in one form or another! this year everything scarily went to plan..but my mobile had completely packed in the following morning smiley - cross.
Last year I missed my bus back from Swansea costing me an extra ticket n a very irate babysitter when I got home over a day late.smiley - yikes
Where the jinx originates I don't know but its struck in some form or other for the last 1 years at least! Anyone else got one?

The birthday jinx..

Post 2



Hope i haven't missed it smiley - erm

The birthday jinx..

Post 3


Only by a couple of days smiley - winkeyesmiley - tongueout

hows you?

The birthday jinx..

Post 4


Aww sorry

Heres a late

and smiley - smoochsmiley - winkeye

I'm great thanks, busy alot but great.

Hows everything with you?

The birthday jinx..

Post 5


Everythings pretty ok at the mo smiley - biggrin

The birthday jinx..

Post 6


smiley - smooch

Have you picked up your mum's mobile, serephina?

She phoned me asking if you had.

smiley - smooch

The birthday jinx..

Post 7


Not yet. I fell asleep smiley - zzz so will wait for josh now.

You sure you want spag bol tonight? make your mind up before i go buy the stuff smiley - tongueout

The birthday jinx..

Post 8


I'll have spag bol smiley - drool

The birthday jinx..

Post 9


smiley - ok

hunt me out an interesting dvd or something cos theres bugger all on telly smiley - tongueout

The birthday jinx..

Post 10

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - smiley

i have an intersting dvd

smiley - smiley

The birthday jinx..

Post 11

You can call me TC

Yeah, well... getting older is a curse in itself. Once you've come to terms with that, everything else takes on a new perspective.

The birthday jinx..

Post 12

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

smiley - ermsmiley - blush

Sorry Sis...I forgottid. smiley - cheerup

I beg forgiveness!!! smiley - grovel

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