This is the Message Centre for Serephina

So who's...

Post 21

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

smiley - grr

So who's...

Post 22


smiley - tongueoutsmiley - nahnah

OK, but as long as you promise to tell me when the vomit scenes coming!
I'll have to see about Feb as Ged wants to take me to York one weekend around then smiley - loveblush as he'll have put with me a yearsmiley - wow and I dont know what weekend that'll be yet.

So who's...

Post 23

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

York? Takes all sorts...

Fear not, you shall be forewarned of the vomity bits. I haven't finished watching it again yet - it needs a room full of smiley - drunk mates to work.

So who's...

Post 24


I've never been to York but it sounds interesting n they have ghost walks n stuff smiley - ghost
How about the end of Jan? should still be some xmas booze knocking about and anyones welcome to crash on the sofa

So who's...

Post 25

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

The chances of me having the train fare before payday are smaller than a euneuch's...

(OK, I fess up, I don't know how to spell eweknuck)


Do you think Skanky's been scared off?

So who's...

Post 26


I shouldn't think so..smiley - erm though i know little about offending sensibilities as i dont have any! smiley - laugh

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