This is the Message Centre for Andy

Hi intern

Post 61


Hi intern

His U3544197 his name vonn1e smiley - ok

go tosmiley - zzz soon smiley - smiley

Hi intern

Post 62


smiley - ok

Hi intern

Post 63


Hi intern

That h2g2 researcher just sent me another email told me what her u number was her intro isn't very nice best if you go and have a look

smiley - ok

Hi intern

Post 64


smiley - oki have left him a welcome message smiley - smiley

Hi intern

Post 65


smiley - okHad a look she is on collective tho not h2g2smiley - smiley

Hi intern

Post 66


Hi intern

smiley - sadface I have ignored her this person but she going around saying i'm her friend on here when i do not know who she is, althou, i've been told by few collective friend's that she was put on premode for trolling other's on collective she said in a email that she got 6 accounts to one email isn't that against houserules?

i'm off to bed soonsmiley - biggrin

could you please have a word with her as i don't want anymore trouble on heresmiley - sadface

Hi intern

Post 67


smiley - ok i'll email rowan our editor over this thanks anyway i like the collective group there nice people smiley - smiley i like there sisiter site frappr beta i've met all kinds of nice people nowsmiley - yawn i'msmiley - sleepy

Hi intern

Post 68


i cant have a word the researcher is part of collective im a h2g2 Ace she isnt part of h2g2

like you said you are better contacting some one on collective smiley - smiley

Hi intern

Post 69


Hi intern

It's smiley - ok I've email collective over this they are going to have a word with this person.

smiley - somersault hows things with you?

I had asmiley - cool day with my partner we spent some time togethersmiley - blush
then we went for a walk then catched asmiley - bus to Town and he bought the new 24 PS2 game and he going to buy me the urbz for my nintendo DS smiley - smiley

Just came home fed my 2 smiley - dogs and 3 smiley - cats and bob the budgiesmiley - chick
smiley - brave i was today but we had a lovely time outsmiley - evilgrin
the weather was nice and dry today it's gone smiley - brr now thou.

Hi intern

Post 70


Hi thats good leave to them im sure they will sort it out for you

not so bad thanks ended up doing over 2 hours at the gym today at my age thats no small thingsmiley - rofl 1000 meter row waight's 10min cross trainer 10min bike ride smiley - oknow tommorow be suprised if i can movesmiley - roflsmiley - crysmiley - wahsmiley - smileyand i have legs to look forward to today smiley - smileyi enjoy legs for some reason

Hi intern

Post 71


Hi intern

Tut.. tut.. don't push yourself too hard at the gym smiley - ok as i pulled a musle in my leg on the row machine i regrett doing that now as i can't walk with out the painsmiley - cry at night with it,

I've just bought one those slimming belts that do the excise on your tummy and thigh's as my gym instructor kenny said to get one as i'll excise while as smiley - zzz well i had to switch it off as my man gotsmiley - grr and needed hissmiley - zzzsmiley - doh

The diet going real wellsmiley - smiley i feel very healthy i can walk more without get out of breathsmiley - somersault

cold out this morning it's try to rain a bit.

Take care


Hi intern

Post 72


Wouldn't say i was pushing myself to hard just hard enough to get some good out of doing it smiley - smiley

thats god it feels good when you can go for the walks and not get out of breath you know the effort that is beeing put in is working and a diet isnt about starving your self that dosent do you any good at all you can have the things you like but perhaps not as often as you would before

i often eat before i train as well its energy for training smiley - smiley

Hi intern

Post 73


Hi intern

my diet is to drink 2ltr of water a day smiley - groan when i'm hungry it's not food hunger it's for water that's how i manage a good diet,

five fruit a day five veg a day only eat fish and chicken only have red meat on weekends i eat bread once a week brown, i eat pasta once a month, potato's are full of starch so i tend to only have them for lunch time, some these low fat yoghurts are full of sugar i tend just have one every month.smiley - smiley

when i'm depressed i eat weightwatchers smiley - donuts there only 109 cals and thats when im after sugarsmiley - doh

I've just got work on my flabby legs and thighs now and try get rid this flabby skin if the gym fails there allways a operation that fix thatsmiley - flustered

but since the hormone treatment has started maybe that faster things upsmiley - somersault

i like skipping with my rope i do 10 have a rest i do 20 on row machine 30 mins on bike hour in swimming my instructor chase us some times say that i end up hurt myself but if you i dont then i wont loose wieghtsmiley - sadface

Hi intern

Post 74


yeh i dont think i eat enough fruit realy i drink water when im at the gym but not at home unles im dehydrated then its pints of the stuff smiley - rofl

smiley - ermhave jacket potatoes then just plain No butter and steam veg dont boil them when you boil them you are looseing all the goodness out of them staming keeps them in

Hi intern

Post 75


Hi intern

I part boil my veg then roast them in the oven as i like them crunchy
i do have bake potatos i tend only have one teaspoon of beans or two teaspoons tuna on them i am very fussy when it comes to potatos smiley - envypeople who can eat them everyday.

i like crips i tend buy salt shake ones that way i eat them plain no salt then only have them as a treat once every two mnths smiley - smiley

got to baby sit my mother tonight smiley - groan not looking forward to it even though she has MS and can't feed or wash or dress or move any limbs at all apart from her gob of course i find it very stressfull looking after her yes my mum is a veg in a wheelchair just sits there day after day waste away without me or brothers and home care helping it's a huge struggle and i have been asked to put her in a home the answer is no i can't do that.smiley - sadface even though she's got this illness MS and she a veg dosn't mean i'd be that cruel and dump her at a care home.

Hi intern

Post 76


i was naughty today had a pizza for my tea i was good yesterday tho had salad smiley - blush

i have salt trying to cut down becouse it is bad for you even tho it goes in the cooking i put it on after smiley - smiley

smiley - ermyeh i know what your saying your mum your familey so you want to look after her i think i would be the same with my mum i joke about putting her in a home but i never would smiley - erm

Hi intern

Post 77


Hi intern

I've been naughty too smiley - cry i've not ate my tea tonight and my man has grounded me smiley - rofl did you get a Questionair over h2g2 ? when you was due to sign in? i did about twice asking me questions on how i rate the site smiley - somersault

I've got myself a old fan on here arrgh bless himsmiley - biggrin i don't mind talking with old one's as there like grandfathers to me.

how are you?

Would you like a dietsmiley - oj?

Hi intern

Post 78


Well you forgive me and ill forgive you thensmiley - roflthat should make us even

thats smiley - cool yeh and they remember what manners are as well smiley - smiley

im good and yes i wouldnt mind a dietsmiley - ojsmiley - cheers

Hi intern

Post 79


smiley - ok I'll forgive you thousands wouldn'tsmiley - rofl

Two dietsmiley - ojsmiley - oj

smiley - rolleyes i see my little pest is online collectivesmiley - sadface please god give me strengh to have a nice night on here with just adult company i am go besmiley - brave and count to ten.

Hi intern

Post 80


smiley - roflwhat do you mean at least 20% of that thousand would forgive me

well just stay on h2g2 smiley - smileythats if there un aware of hootoo

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