This is the Message Centre for Andy

Hi intern

Post 1


Hi internsmiley - hug

Where you been hiding?

Hi intern

Post 2


i have been around and about smiley - winkeyesmiley - roflno im updateing my links page for newbies its takeing a bit more time them i thought

Hi intern

Post 3


Hi intern

I've found a great site called party face all me old LD mates are on there and me bezzie friend kelly gonner get me a discount smiley - cool

*The Partner* Or should i say The Green eye smiley - monster man of mine is being very mean we had a huge row this morning at 6am and I got thesmiley - bruisedes smiley - sadface

So I'm have a bad time at the moment and me friends have told me to *Stand up for myself* if he starts tonight I'm going to usesmiley - racket1 And get Montysmiley - dragon to blow him awaysmiley - laughs

Take care

From Hilarysmiley - star
smiley - bluelight

Ps what you think of the new smileys? I've got poor sef up the wall as i want a doll smiley - evilgrin

Hi intern

Post 4


smiley - coolyes you should stand up for yourself you shoulden't have to stand for it realy smiley - hug

Hi intern

Post 5


Hi intern

Don't worry i will be standing up to him from now onsmiley - ok

you been buisy then?

Hi intern

Post 6


yes i have been re doing my links page A1059842 and also my own space smiley - smiley

Hi intern

Post 7


oh can you go along and say hello to my man who come back online his username on my friends box november_rain oh by the way don't believe a word he says to you as I know him and live with him and know he a dam good pork ribber smiley - ok just warning you i was go get andysmiley - batbut he away on a cruise wish i wassmiley - shhhsmiley - hug

Hi intern

Post 8


smiley - laughsmiley - okthensmiley - smiley

Hi intern

Post 9


Hi intern

Me old friend has beat you to it smiley - laughs

anyway gotta smiley - run lots of posts to reply to on here and collective and bbc food and bbc moan board smiley - somersault


Hilarysmiley - cuddle

Hi intern

Post 10


Beat me to what not the last smiley - donutin the Ace lounge we will have to put a lock on there smiley - rofl

Hi intern

Post 11


Hi intern

Some one been on my login today and changed my password i had to ask h2g2 for a new one and change secret answer and they deleted a number of friends off my list smiley - sadface

Hi intern

Post 12


realy just change them from the h2g2 one you get and change it to something that isnt connected with the old password so they cant guess it and see how you gosmiley - smiley

Hi intern

Post 13


Hi Intern

I've changed it to somethink no will know smiley - biggrinI've added a anti lock to my h2g2 account I'll get a warning when someone try's to hammer at mesmiley - somersault

How's you I'm smiley - ok was too busiy to visit here yesterdaysmiley - sadface

Take care

Hilarysmiley - star
smiley - bluelight The reason why i use the light so everyone know's i'm on smiley - laughs

Hi intern

Post 14


I think that you should be smiley - oknow smiley - smiley

Im not bad thanks going out shortly visit my uncle in hospital its the smell of hospital's that i hate anti septic smiley - steam

Hi intern

Post 15


Hi intern

I forgot to ask weather your a male or female i'm talking to?smiley - smiley
As few friends i talk to think your female why would they think that for?

smiley - yikes hate hospitals shall we smiley - run away from them?smiley - biggrin

Hi intern

Post 16


good question ill keep you guessing wether im male/female smiley - rofl

so smiley - okwhat makes them think that

smiley - run

Hi intern

Post 17


Internsmiley - biggrin

They think your female co's you type girlish on that's what they told me on email lastnight omgsmiley - smiley is it true ? your female ?

gotta smiley - run reply to lots of posts smiley - sadface

how are you today?

Hilarysmiley - star

Hi intern

Post 18


smiley - roflHow can you type girlish smiley - smiley

see you in a bit going outsmiley - smiley

Hi intern

Post 19


Hi intern smiley - smiley

I don't know why how you type girlish do yousmiley - erm?

Anyway where did you go out too?smiley - biggrin

Hi intern

Post 20


smiley - ermnot realy i might have to run a vote dose intern type like a girl smiley - smiley

i whent to the gym 2 hours of dam near killing myself smiley - rofl

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