This is the Message Centre for Desdemona,lover of all that is imagined
you've Been ACE'd!!!
Z Phantom Started conversation Mar 12, 2002
Don't worry it dosent hurt but it can
I am Z Phantom an ACE (assistant community editor) and its my job to hunt out new users and say Hi....
just incase your ever bored why not try one of the following sites
Welcome Page - <./> welcome </.>
Smiley Page - <./>Smiley</.>
GuideML clinic - <./>GuideML-clinic</.>
lots and lots of really useful pages -
How to spice up your pages-
The h2g2 Post - <./>ThePost</.>
The Basics - <./>Welcome-Newcomers</.>
Important Announcements - <./>Announcements</.>
Shea's List 'o Links -
Incase you need me just click on my name above and you will find me. Alternatevly just find any other ACE or GURU (the gurus are the ones to go to if your having technical problems.... I'm also one of those
Z Phantom
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you've Been ACE'd!!!
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