This is the Message Centre for kow

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 261

Colonel Codpiece

Sorry JustMe, babbling. I meant I got an apology from Princess Layer.smiley - biggrinsmiley - huhsmiley - alesmiley - biggrin

Too old? Tell me about it...

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 262


JustMe: Can't you guess?

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 263

Colonel Codpiece

Oops! Only just realised that everyone got a moany smiley - grovel...ooh, alcohol fuelled bitchiness!smiley - run

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 264


smiley - huh

Still petty hungover n got my thick head on today it seems!..smiley - erm

Ahhhhhh ..thought you was still talking bout me.. smiley - laugh

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 265


Eh??? who got a moany?...n what the feck is a moany??

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 266


Typical JustMe, self, self, selfsmiley - run

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 267


Kow...oi ..thats not true!

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 268


smiley - biggrin

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 269

Colonel Codpiece

A moany grovel! I was trying to be discreet dagnammit! Tsk...

Can I get a slap? Anyone?smiley - grovel

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 270


still lost!..maybe i should go n drink some more! smiley - erm

here you go...sssssllllllaaap

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 271


JustMe: You are bloody hard work you!smiley - tongueout

Look at everyone's message centre...

Hugster: Slllllllllllap!

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 272


Yeah its ok the pennies dropped now! poor brains on go slow while its recovering...smiley - erm

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 273


smiley - biggrin

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 274

Colonel Codpiece

Cheers. Feel a bit more sobererer now.smiley - yawn

Did anyone else reply?smiley - yikessmiley - run

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 275


Right off to watch buffy...n much that mars bar ive been stashing in the fridge all day...hmmmm will power!

Hopefully ill remember where i put my Iq before i come back!smiley - laugh

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 276


Hugster: I replied somewhere else, so it's get buried in the backlogsmiley - winkeye

JustMe: Gis a bite

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 277


Bits Kow o the leg...hard! there you go smiley - tongueout ..well you did ask!

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 278


Getoff me! Do I look like a bloody mars barsmiley - nahnah

dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 279

Colonel Codpiece

Actually...yes. You do.smiley - grr


dog....bone springs to mind!

Post 280


I dosmiley - erm

smiley - run

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