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Post 181


Nakedsmiley - biggrin

You don't get away with it that easy... fess up


Post 182

Colonel Codpiece

Good guess!smiley - nahnah

smiley - run


Post 183

ghia return of >>

to what? wot about loup picture him naked too?


Post 184


Ghia: Errr... you what?! You've lost me nowsmiley - laugh

Are you nakedsmiley - tongueout

Hugster: smiley - blush


Post 185

ghia return of >>

yes and covered in chip fat! smiley - ermsexy?

Hummm....will someone turn that facial massager off?!

Post 186

Colonel Codpiece

Kow...why are you blushing? I'm the one in my birthday suit!

Unless...smiley - yikes

smiley - blushsmiley - run

Night all.smiley - cuddle

Hummm....will someone turn that facial massager off?!

Post 187


smiley - yikes

Nite Hugstersmiley - cuddle

Hummm....will someone turn that facial massager off?!

Post 188


smiley - yikes

Nite Hugstersmiley - cuddle

Hummm....will someone turn that facial massager off?!

Post 189

Colonel Codpiece

Sleep tight Angus smiley - esuom!smiley - laughsmiley - kiss

smiley - run

Hummm....will someone turn that facial massager off?!

Post 190


Never even knew you'd gonesmiley - tongueout

Checked out the 'We have something in common' thread recently?lol

Post 191

Colonel Codpiece

That'll be the old omnipresence at work...or just insignificance.smiley - wahsmiley - tongueout

Yep, trust ghia

Post 192


Which do you think fannybawssmiley - nahnah

Lurking lessons perhaps? Tis good to be forthright tho...

Post 193

Colonel Codpiece

smiley - erm

Logic dictates that the second is likely, ya dobber!smiley - nahnah

I don't think ghia lurks, she just gets somewhere and shouts lol

Post 194


Logic isn't infalliblesmiley - cuddle

Honesty is a charming policy...99.9% of the time...

Post 195

Colonel Codpiece

Neither is the ego.smiley - erm

smiley - gift

smiley - blacksheep

A great way with words lol

Post 196


What's up, had a bad day?

New name as wellsmiley - erm

A PhD in complimenting...lmao

Post 197

Colonel Codpiece

You mean you haven't been lurking?!!smiley - laugh

Tis an interim name...can't think of anything remotely entertaining. Suggestions are welcome!smiley - grovel

lolololololol lololol lololol

Post 198


Me?! Lurk, how dare you?!smiley - angel

I think you do well with the names, I find them amusing anywaysmiley - cheerup

Hey! Stop laughing! You've seen the schmaltzy essays!lmao

Post 199

Colonel Codpiece

Awww, thanks just got your HND! Credit for keeping a straight face...smiley - laugh



Post 200


You're not the only one who can creepsmiley - laugh

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