This is the Message Centre for skeg

Osiyo Skeg...

Post 1


Welcome to h2g2. Have a loo brush. I'm Batty, one of the h2g2 ACEs (Assistant Community Editors). Wow! I was born at an early age too... imagine that! Below are a few links you might find useful. Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance or just wish to chat. Click on my name above to go to my page and leave me a message, or just reply to this one. - The Welcome page: - A Special Welcome from Douglas Adams: - DNA's own homespace, as he was very involved in h2g2 during his life (it includes lot's of links): - Browse H2G2: - The ACEs Homepage: - The Smileys Page (more than just smileys): - If you would like to learn to code your pages to look really great, go to the GuideML Clinic: - If English isn't your primary language, try the Terran Embassy: Ready to socialize with some of h2g2's festive (if somewhat odd) locals? Try some of these links. - If you just can't seem to get the hang of Thursdays join the Thingite revolution: - Join the crew of h2g2's own pirate ship, 'The Blood of the Zaphodistas': - Got something that's yours and yours alone? Claim your Keeper title here: - If you're the questioning sort you might enjoy the "Questions Only" forum... just don't expect any actual answers.. - If you're located in the Northeastern United States (or just happen to be in the area) check us out or sign up here: As if this wasn't plenty, here is Shea's Links Page: (why bother to create one of my own when Shea did such a great job?) Batty, ACE

Osiyo Skeg...

Post 2


Just thought i would add and extra hello as you are a local lass.
There is a few on here from yorkshire you should look up this chap he is a big football fan and writes in the H2G2 post each week his name is Ormondroyd*
I am sorry to hear that you like leeds but i would point out there is help if you need it.**

*After the Bradford city player Iam Ormondroyd
** As i work for Bradford city i have to say that or i might get the sack!!!!

Osiyo Skeg...

Post 3


Hi Batty,

I can't believe that I've been on the 'net for such a stupidly long time ('stupidly long time' means about ten years in this context) and I only discovered h2g2 today! Where have I been?

h2g2 is such a good idea! I've had several (particularly dull) articles about roller coasters that I wrote that have been sitting on my hard drive since my website threw in the ubiquitous towel, one of which (article, not towel) I've edited and (finally!) worked out how to put into peer review. I'm interested to see what happens!

I still can't believe I've missed out on such a useful source of relatively useless facts all these years!

Right, I'm off to see if 'The Art of Garbage Collection' has been covered, as I know a bit about it and I think the world should be told...


Skeg (still wondering which pixie decided that I should be shielded from 'things that you didn't know you needed to know until you read this').

Osiyo Skeg...

Post 4



I understand completely. smiley - erm I hate to admit my age and all but I still remember TRSDOS (ack!). I only found out about hootoo a bit over a year ago from a friend I met on a Hawaii cruise (of all things).

After all, where else on the 'net can you find such a fountain of useless information AND a site where you can have a church opened in your name (so to speak) by a synthetic rodent?) smiley - weird

Enjoy hootoo. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!

smiley - cheers
smiley - bat

Bradford who?

Post 5



It's always nice to hear from our poor neighbours smiley - smiley I shall refrain from mentioning the Rhinos v Bulls Challenge Cup score too (which is as close to a Leeds-Bradford derby as we'll get for a few years...)

Anyway, thanks for the message. Is there any chance that you can use a bit of insider knowledge to influence the Bradford management team into buying Stephen McFrail? If the fans had their way we'd throw in Viduka for free too...



Osiyo Skeg...

Post 6



It's always the way... you spend years surfing the web at home but it takes a random coversation with a random person on a random cruise to open your eyes smiley - smiley I reckon we should club together and buy Billy Gates a ticket on the Titanic. Might open his eyes a bit.

I must confess that I haven't the slightest clue about TRSDOS, having never heard of it. If you want to solve an early 90s UNIX conundrum I can help though. Simply ascend a flight of stairs and knock on the third door on the left*. Windows is a bit tricker, but I've yet to encounter a problem that can't be 'resolved' by switching my PC off.


* Please note: your installation may vary.

Osiyo Skeg...

Post 7


smiley - laugh TRSDOS was the old operating system for Tandy Corp.'s TRS-80 computers... big ugly boxes that went 'ding' alot! smiley - biggrin You know... back in the day when 900 baud was fast.. smiley - yikes

Osiyo Skeg...

Post 8


Well we can concentrate on winning the super league again now and the world cup again we will leave the rhinos the wooden spoon.

P.S.Did i mention my mothers side come from Hull.

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