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Oh no! It's gonna crash!

Post 1


Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2, Line 254: "O God, I could be bounded in a set~top box & count myself King of Personal Space~ were it not that I have bad error messages." OK, Shakespeare may not have said that verbatim, but if the Bard had ever used my system then I'm sure thats what he would have written. I'm sure all these funky graphics look fine & dandy but, alas, the cursed souls like myself cannot access them. Gospel, chapter 2: St Element's letter to the ACEians. "Oftentimes I would fain reach out to these friendly helpful angels but Lo! my calls would be unsounded in all nor any tongues. For behold, the Word would yet fall victim to the Seven Plagues of memory limitation & truth would fall inflicted into the Abyss leaving only faith of future Revelations. Verily, as the Lord giveth so shall He taketh away."

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Oh no! It's gonna crash!

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