This is the Message Centre for PINKLADY 190715

Hi pinklady

Post 1


Hi pinklady just passing and thought I would say hellow "hellow"smiley - oksmiley - cheers


Hi pinklady/manda

Post 2


. hello
... That was nice of you to look me up
... not many in here speak to me smiley - smiley
... so it was a lovely suprise.
... smiley - rose Marion smiley - rose

Hi pinklady/manda

Post 3


Hi pinklady, nice to here from you, I just wondered if you was going to the party in london on the 20th of july,you can bring you partner but I think the cats will have to stay at home ,(19 is a good age for a cat)smiley - magic

mandasmiley - cheers

Hi pinklady/manda

Post 4


... Thank you but no thank you, our
... daughter is ill so I don't want to
... travel far. smiley - smiley
... yes Sophie is a good age, we have
... had her since she was 8 weeks old.

... Marion smiley - rose

Hi pinklady

Post 5

Frankie. Dc.;(The lab)-Anyone seen Egor

Hi pink lady.I thought i`d drop in as no-one else seems to want to talk.smiley - blue

I hope you do. smiley - smiley

Hi Frankie

Post 6


.. Hi there
... not been in here for a while so I
... missed your reply. How are you?
... smiley - rose Marion smiley - smiley

Hi Frankie

Post 7


Hi Pink lady,

nice to have you back with us smiley - ok

manda smiley - cheers

( and dont ferget the LD Writing conpetition on music here >> A830035 )

Hi Frankie

Post 8


Did you ever get the code for the "MY GUESTBOOK" box that you was after smiley - biggrin

manda smiley - magic

Hi pinklady

Post 9

Researcher 212885

Hi Marion

Havent seen you on here before. Have you heard from Lynne in the last couple of days? Must go to do crossword on funhouse!!!
Luv Jibs xxxxxxxxxxx

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