This is the Message Centre for PINKLADY 190715

You've Been ACE'd!!!

Post 1

Z Phantom

Don't worry it dosent hurt but it can smiley - tickle
I am Z Phantom an ACE (assistant community editor) and its my job to hunt out new users and say Hi....

HI!!! smiley - biggrin

just incase your ever bored smiley - yikes why not try one of the following sites smiley - run:

Welcome Page - <./> welcome </.>
Smiley Page - <./>Smiley</.>
GuideML clinic - <./>GuideML-clinic</.>
lots and lots of really useful pages -
How to spice up your pages-
The h2g2 Post - <./>ThePost</.>
The Basics - <./>Welcome-Newcomers</.>
Important Announcements - <./>Announcements</.>
Shea's List 'o Links -

Incase you need me just click on my name above and smiley - magic you will find me. Alternatevly just find any other ACE or GURU (the gurus are the ones to go to if your having technical problems.... I'm also one of those smiley - winkeye)

Z Phantom smiley - ghost

You've Been ACE'd!!!

Post 2


hi there, I am completely lost how do I log in please. also my friends say they can't send me messages, what are they doing wrong please. my friend is luckylady and she has registered but when I type her name in the search box it says 'not found' I can't remember how I got h2g2 to work thank you, Marion

You've Been ACE'd!!!

Post 3

Z Phantom

Ok,to log in you go to: (or which should link you to the same page and it's easier to remember) there you'll be asked for your login name and your password.

to find your friend you need to go to the advanced search page:, there's also should be a link at the top of the page beside the search box (in Alabaster *white screen with a yellow bar at the top that has orange buttons on it* I think it's in the same place on goo *blue screen with goo at the top*) opnce on this screen scroll down to the search for a friend box and type her name in it and hit search. if you want to take the quick route she's at: however you can't talk to her using that page untill she writes something on it. she however can talk to you, by clicking on the "discuss this entry" button on your page. once she's written something (it needent be more than a punctuation mark) then you can do the same thing on her page.

Hope that helps
Z Phantom smiley - ghost

You've Been ACE'd!!!

Post 4


thank you very much for yor help x

You've Been ACE'd!!!

Post 5

Z Phantom

no problem smiley - ok
Z Phantom smiley - ghost

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