Journal Entries

Not that anyone seems to notice

I haven't been here forever. But I don't have any friends here, so I get easily torn away from ever coming back. I like it here. I just don't ever have time and nothing keeps me coming back. I have evn forgot the codes for the smilies.
Talk to you all the next time I decide to drop on by.
smiley - smiley
smiley - bluebutterfly

I guess I remembered a few. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Sep 27, 2003

Hanging out

I have been going to school and it is keeping me busy. So I have not been able to really hang out on H2G2.smiley - cry I am hoping to be around more often. Even if it is just to chill out smiley - zen.
So anyone who drops on bye, please say Hi.
I hope to be around to chat and maybe contribute a few more entries.
So pull up have a cup of smiley - tea and some smiley - crisps.

Talk to you later

smiley - geek

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Latest reply: Feb 10, 2003

Dead Bird

Today my Jack Russell Terrier brought a dead baby bird to me. He sees it as a gift to me ( Dogs will generally show appreciation to there masters by killing something then laying it were they would be able to find it)but I see it as just plain gross smiley - tongueout. Also the fact that i am a vegetarian I wasn't to happy to see the poor guy on my bedroom floor but I couldn't scolled my dog cause he doesn't think that he did anything wrong. He was just doing what his intincts told him to do.
On the whole he isn't sleeping in my bed tonight and he isn't giving any kisses for a week.smiley - yuk

smiley - bluebutterfly

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Latest reply: Apr 12, 2002


I have recently vowed never to eat meat again. It wasn't the easiest descision to make after 22 years of eating meat. I relised what they acctually do to animals in the prosess of slaughtering them and the way they treat them while they are still alive.
I compare becoming a vegetarian after years of being a meat eater to smoking cigarettes. You are not exactly addicted to meat but it has become a part of your life.
I just wanted to bring this to the table to possibly discuse with other ex-meat eaters.

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Latest reply: Mar 9, 2002

As My Name Sugests

I love to take road trips. The vast diversity of the United States is spectacular to watch, to photograph and to learn the history behind it. I recently went to the southwest ( I am from Florida). This was my third time out in the west and I love it out there. All the lore and history of gunfights and lawmen.
Another thing that I enjoy about taking a road trip is that each state that you travel through is diferent wether it is the culture or the land. You are bound to see something diferent around every corner.
I sugest that if you ever get the chance travel trough the states. It is worth it!!!

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Latest reply: Mar 1, 2002

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