This is a Journal entry by roadtripchick

Hanging out

Post 1


I have been going to school and it is keeping me busy. So I have not been able to really hang out on H2G2.smiley - cry I am hoping to be around more often. Even if it is just to chill out smiley - zen.
So anyone who drops on bye, please say Hi.
I hope to be around to chat and maybe contribute a few more entries.
So pull up have a cup of smiley - tea and some smiley - crisps.

Talk to you later

smiley - geek

Hanging out

Post 2

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Hi, Welcome back to Hootoosmiley - ok

Hanging out

Post 3


Thanks How have things been going around here. Have they been keeping you on the smiley - run!

Talk to you later
smiley - geek

Hanging out

Post 4

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

npsmiley - smiley
Things have been going well, 5000 edited entries in the guide as you may have heardsmiley - smiley
none mine though... still haven't started anything I'm happy with...
Still keeping up with back log can have me on smiley - run yes...

Seeyasmiley - cheers

Hanging out

Post 5


smiley - smiley
Well you don't have to be a smiley - scientist to have an edited entry in the guide.smiley - cheers I have 2 of them and they are easy things that I would do in my habits. PLus I got quiet a bit of help from peer review. smiley - ok They were acctually very helpful. Maybe I can get H2G2 researchers to help me with my essays.smiley - grovel

Talk to you later

smiley - geek

Hanging out

Post 6

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Glad one doesn't have to be a smiley - scientist as my smiley - weird obsession with Physics faded about 3 years ago...
It's smiley - cool you have 2 entries I may take a ganderz at them in a mosmiley - smiley
Congratssmiley - disco
My trouble with creating Guide Entries is self esteem [smiley - blue] thing really...

Chat soon...

btw What are you studying?

Hanging out

Post 7


I have been smiley - run around h2g2 and have becomed amazed at how many people have multiple edited guide entries.smiley - wow It is really smiley - cool!

I started out majoring in wildlife ecology but I am getting worried about all the math and chemistry. Half the time in my chem class looking like this smiley - wah or smiley - groan. I am not failing it I just don't think that I am grasping it the way I should.
Anyways I started to ramble.
Talk to you later

smiley - geek

Hanging out

Post 8

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Is there really a heavy amount of Chem and Math envolved?

Don't worry about waffling at me... I like when people dosmiley - smiley
Although I'm quiet right now so this may be a thread killing post...
smiley - erm
Hope to chat soon...

Hanging out

Post 9


Hope your day was well! I spent another mindless evening in chem classsmiley - grr. Now I am getting ready to spend the rest of the evening (after I get off of here smiley - cool ) studing for an American National Government test that I have first thing in the morning. smiley - wah

I am going to browse around.
Talk to you later

smiley - geek

Hanging out

Post 10

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Did it go well?
What was the purpose of the test to indicate?

Laterzsmiley - winkeye

Hanging out

Post 11


Sorry I didn't reply faster. My sister was in town suddenly. She is in the ARMY and they weren't sure if they were going to get time off this weekend.(because they are getting deployed to Iraq smiley - cry ) So she showed up suddenly and I generally never leave her side when she comes home.
My American national government test was about the chapters that we were studing but now my mind has gone blank and I can't remember what they were about.smiley - laugh Since then I have also had a math test and a chem test. So I have been running around in circles for the last week.
I am done with my rambling!
(I need a chatter box smiley!)
Talk to you on the flip side!smiley - orangebutterfly

smiley - geek

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