This is the Message Centre for Beatrice
Gnomon calling Beatrice
Gnomon - time to move on Started conversation Oct 21, 2010
I've a "Calling" page which I use as a shortcut to people I talk to regularly. I've added you to the page, and I've put a piccy there, which you might like to use elsewhere: A16133555.
Gnomon calling Beatrice
Beatrice Posted Oct 22, 2010
Thanks, I need all the help I can get! Bomba said he'd unearthed some neolithic spirits from a dolmen near Derry to work some magic for me.
The adrenalin buzz will kick in soon, but at the minute it's shaky hands and butterfly tummy.
Off to Irish class first, though!
Slán go fóill
Gnomon calling Beatrice
Gnomon - time to move on Posted May 16, 2011
I've discovered that my camera uses a green light for focusing, so it's not good at focusing on green things. So unfortunately, the picture of Elvis didn't come out.
Gnomon calling Beatrice
Beatrice Posted May 16, 2011
That's somehow appropriate! Probably just as well.
Good to see you again .
Gnomon calling Beatrice
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Feb 1, 2012
Hi Beatrice.
Glad to hear that Dai is recovering nicely. It must have been a worrying time for you - no matter how often they tell you something is routine, you know at the back of your mind there can still be problems. It's good that he can now get back to normal life.
The Eds and Artists have a request for you. Can we use this picture as the one for the Fish Spas entry?
The expression on your face is just too good to miss.
Gnomon calling Beatrice
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Mar 8, 2012
Hi Beatrice.
Have you got any photos of Coleraine that we could use on your Coleraine entry? The entry is stuck at the pre-publishing stage because we no suitable picture for it.
Gnomon calling Beatrice
Beatrice Posted Mar 20, 2012
Haven't forgotten - I had planned to be up that way at the weekend, but now we have a family funeral to go to, so all the varous visiting etc got in the way.
I did notice actor James Nesbitt's horse "Riverside Theatre" - named after the Coleraine venue where he first performed - romped home in Cheltenham last week.
Gnomon calling Beatrice
Beatrice Posted Apr 8, 2012
Ok I now have a selection of photos of Coleraine - where shall I stick them?
Gnomon calling Beatrice
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Apr 8, 2012
Send them to artists at h2g2 dot com and tell them they're for entry A87734550.
Gnomon calling Beatrice
Gnomon - time to move on Posted May 14, 2012
Hi Beatrice. I still haven't heard anything from the artists about these photos. Did you send them?
Gnomon calling Beatrice
Beatrice Posted May 14, 2012
Yes, sent on 9th April, but didnt get any response. Shall I forward the email to you, so you can chase it up?
Gnomon calling Beatrice
Gnomon - time to move on Posted May 14, 2012
Yes. I'll text you my work address.
Gnomon calling Beatrice
h2g2 Guide Editors Posted May 14, 2012
sorry to intrude, but have checked with the Artists, and they are sorry, but they've not received anything from Beatrice.
Gnomon calling Beatrice
Gnomon - time to move on Posted May 14, 2012
I've a copy of the e-mail that Beatrice sent to [email protected]
on 9 April, so is it possible that there is something wrong with that address?
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Gnomon calling Beatrice
- 1: Gnomon - time to move on (Oct 21, 2010)
- 2: Beatrice (Oct 21, 2010)
- 3: Gnomon - time to move on (Oct 22, 2010)
- 4: Beatrice (Oct 22, 2010)
- 5: Gnomon - time to move on (May 16, 2011)
- 6: Beatrice (May 16, 2011)
- 7: Gnomon - time to move on (Feb 1, 2012)
- 8: Beatrice (Feb 1, 2012)
- 9: Gnomon - time to move on (Mar 8, 2012)
- 10: Gnomon - time to move on (Mar 20, 2012)
- 11: Beatrice (Mar 20, 2012)
- 12: Beatrice (Apr 8, 2012)
- 13: Gnomon - time to move on (Apr 8, 2012)
- 14: Gnomon - time to move on (May 14, 2012)
- 15: Beatrice (May 14, 2012)
- 16: Beatrice (May 14, 2012)
- 17: Gnomon - time to move on (May 14, 2012)
- 18: h2g2 Guide Editors (May 14, 2012)
- 19: Gnomon - time to move on (May 14, 2012)
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