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Post 1

Minister Of Black. The Knight of Night, Lord of the High Tower

Hi Lightman,

We've not met before smiley - blackcat

I was just passing your space and saw you're into AOR music smiley - blackcat

Do you know a band called Ten? smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat


Post 2


Hi There

Thank you for dropping bye.

As you will have read I listen to a wide range of music, But do not always follow the scene with vivid interest.

I'm sory I do no not know the bands music, perhaps it something I should investigate.

Is there anything you can tell me about the band and theire music?


Post 3

Minister Of Black. The Knight of Night, Lord of the High Tower

Go have a look at their site.

I saw them at the Bass (as in beer) Museum in Burton-on-Trent almost a year ago. I was really impressed. I'd only heard the Name Of The Rose CD, ended up buying the whole back catalogue the same night. Chatted with the Bass player (strange thing that) for ages in the bar after, what a smashing chap.

They've just got a new guitarist, a chap called Chris, who was Guitarist Magazine's "Guitarist of the Year", in 2000.

Bassman smiley - cool


Post 4


Thanks for the info on the band.

Have just been and visited the website you so kindly gave, and listened to the real clips. I'm inpresed. even if the clip quality is not that good.

Certanly someting to look out for when next in a record store.

Not a plugger for the band I hope.

will get back to say more when I have had a chance to hear the band at cd quality.

all for now


Post 5

Minister Of Black. The Knight of Night, Lord of the High Tower

You're probably better off ordering their stuff online. I got their latest offering for my G/F for Christmas plus an older CD for me, and picked up a freebie CD into the bargain.

The Minister smiley - blackcat


Post 6


thanks for the tip

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