This is the Message Centre for Blue Valentine aka Mrs the queen of france!

Where in Austin? I used to live dere.

Post 1

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

I'm in temple, now, having fled to Georgetown and thence to here, in the face of raging population growth.

Where in Austin? I used to live dere.

Post 2

Blue Valentine aka Mrs the queen of france! im in south austin just north of ben white...before that i lived near 35th and lamar and before that hyde park and before that I lived in my car in hyde park smiley - smiley

Where in Austin? I used to live dere.

Post 3

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

How absolutely fascinating. I used to live just up from 38th and Speedway and work at the former circle K at 38th and Guadalupe.
Then I lived at 48th and airport and then on 15th just behind the old Sams on North Lamar.
Where in Hyde Park?

Where in Austin? I used to live dere.

Post 4

Blue Valentine aka Mrs the queen of france!

43rd and ave B, just across from Ave B grocery smiley - smiley

Where in Austin? I used to live dere.

Post 5

Blue Valentine aka Mrs the queen of france!

oh, and I also lived at 45th and airport at the apartment complex there....cant remember the name...tanglewood north??

Where in Austin? I used to live dere.

Post 6

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

We used to eat at the Avenue B Grocery all the time. They had a big pot of gumbo going usually and this nasty big battered orange cat hanging around the picnic table!

I don't recollect that complex.

When I was on 38th, I lived in the act III.

I used to mess with a theatre group at the Fifth Street Theatre, which later became the World. We also used DeeDee Clark's Kid's Acting space next to Doc Hollidays pawn shop...over there by the Northcross Mall...

Where in Austin? I used to live dere.

Post 7

Blue Valentine aka Mrs the queen of france!

Ave B had the best sandwiches. I used to go 3 times a week when I'd get off work. Ross also made the BEST chili ive ever had. hmmm..i havent been there in ages. I may have to run by tomorrow smiley - smiley

Where in Austin? I used to live dere.

Post 8

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Mmmm hmmm smiley - cross

Where in Austin? I used to live dere.

Post 9

Blue Valentine aka Mrs the queen of france!

smiley - laugh FYI, I DIDNT go to Ave B yesterday because I rememberd how much lovely husband hates the owner...and i'm a GOOD wife *rabble scrabble husband snazzum frazzum givin kisses to everyone else frickin frackin*

Where in Austin? I used to live dere.

Post 10

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I don't hate Ross, but let's not forget he's the one who wants me dead so he can elope with you smiley - sadface

Where in Austin? I used to live dere.

Post 11

Blue Valentine aka Mrs the queen of france!

awwww...he doesnt want you dead...and he DOESNT want to elope with me. Only reason he liked me was because i used to spend $30/week at his place

Where in Austin? I used to live dere.

Post 12

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

smiley - sharksmiley - blackcatsmiley - run

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