This is the Message Centre for Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume

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Post 1

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

Dear Nyree,

I've done a quick websearch, and this might be worth a look. If one of my friends were in such a situation, I would suggest that they talk it through with some experts. I've not explored this in detail, but this site might be of use to your friend.

Best wishes


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Post 2

Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume

Thanks Otto.

It is genuinely my friend who is having these problems and not "a friend". You know what I mean.
Its just horrible listening to her tell me how he broke his hand by punching her in the face. He is 6ft something, she is 4ft 9inches. How can people be like that? The guy has no friends any more cos they have seen what he's like to her(and he is a bit of a K**b) She is rapidly losing the respect of everyone round about her for staying with him. Even sadder, she has been in an abusive relationship before which took her 7 years to get out of.

Oh, I wish he would just die or find another girlfriend.
Its a bloody awful situation...
Cheers again Otto

NRsmiley - rose

About your recent posting...

Post 3

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

Hi NR,

I spent a while trying to think how to write that post without it sounding like I thought that "friend" was a euthamism, but clearly failed! It was obvious from your post that it really was someone else, but I was a bit concerned at the direction that the thread was heading, so I thought I'd post the link here. Sounds to me like this bloke has some serious psychological problems....

Hope all works out for all concerned,


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