Journal Entries


well, i sit here waiting for a bus to the train station to meet my girlfriend. i have made a good start to my part of a group assignment, which is good because when the rest of the group find out i'm going away for a few days just when we'll be getting feedback about what we're supposed to be doing, there could be trouble. but i have stuff done, i can go. i hope i can get a chicken fillet burger in town. all i've eaten today is a tin of tesco spaghetti costing 7p.

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Latest reply: Feb 16, 2002


it is not my birthday today. i told my mates in belfast to come here to coleraine and we'd go to kelly's. of course it's not so easy for them to understand. i got a phone call last saturday, form brendan in belfast. he arranged a bus for everyone, which was good. we talked about it, everything was ok. then he mentioned a class he had to go to the next day. class on a sunday? no brendan had orgnanised the bus for wednesday. in a way it's good. wednesday is the big student night. drinks are cheaper, everyone will be there. and i get to go drinking today and on saturday. well, every cloud has it's silver lining. my stomach lining may not agree come sunday morning though.

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Latest reply: Feb 6, 2002

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