This is the Message Centre for McGaggs


Post 1


Hello McGaggs, and welcome to h2g2! My name is VIP (very important Princess), and part of my job as an ACE (Assistant Community Editor) is to welcome people who are new to h2g2.

It is a very friendly atmosphere here, as you will find out, and you will be welcome wherever you wish to go. You might wish to go to one of the bars or cafes that h2g2 has to offer, the Waterworks or perhaps the Musician's Guild. This is only the smallest of suggestions- type something into the Search bar and let it take you to somewhere. Alteratively, visit my Space (lock on my name above this post) and there are links down the bottom to a few places, plus completely random sites.

You may want to do things with you page other than plain text, in which case i suggest you check out the GuideML Clinic, at, which will tell you all sort of things to make your Space more fun.

Smileys, which crop up everywhere, can be reached by double clicking on any that you find, like some of my favourites, the smiley - fairy, smiley - tea or smiley - tomato.

Finally, if you have any questions at all, drop me a reply and I will be more that happy to talk to you!

Have fun with h2g2!

VIP (very important Princess)

smiley - fairy

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