This is the Message Centre for WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

A bite?

Post 1

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

I must warn you to look away from me, for if you stare to long at me your heart will freeze and you will be forever my devoted servant, unable to love anyone else. But if you have no heart you are ok,(but i still dont like people staring - its rude!)
Now, I seem to remember you offered me a bite to eat?....oh I got that wrong didnt i?!! Oops.

A bite?

Post 2

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

You amuse me my friendsmiley - smiley for love is but an emotion with no logic.Now would care for some food & drink

A bite?

Post 3

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

That would be most refreshing. Thankyou.smiley - ok
I am tired and weary from my researching ( looking for goth sites smiley - witch) and could do with a bit of a feast and good company till sun down.....and i did bring surplies! smiley - ale
Now then, tell me some tales, White Wizzard.....

A bite?

Post 4

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

What sort of goth stuff, the life style or music & clothing? I brought a very nice (black) lace up silk shirt the other day women in the pub love it cause its soooo smooooothsmiley - smiley

A bite?

Post 5

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

You should stay away from women like that, they will eat you alive smiley - winkeye.
Lifestyle and music mostly as i have a wardrobe full of black clothes. Music wise i know what i like and i know what i dont, but i also know i dont know!!
I am an early 90's Goth needing brought up to date. In this virtual world their must be somewhere to pull up a church pew, light some candles and talk about the dark days? smiley - erm

A bite?

Post 6

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

I like the goth image but music wise Im into early megadeth metalica pantera that sort of thing.The louder and faster the better.I know the goth scene has split music wise like metal has so its becomming hard to see were one style starts and ends. #lights black candles# There we go a candle lit dinnersmiley - smiley

A bite?

Post 7

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

I am a Sisters of Mercy fan, New model Army, Fields of the Nephilim, Alice Cooper, The Cure and err,..err..Melanie C (but only when no-one is looking smiley - winkeye )

*hurriedly pours another drink and wonders if there are any more Pringles left*

I seem to remember liking a metallica track once but cant remember what it was called. I can put up with most stuff except Jazz or chill out music smiley - yuk.
Now where did you put those Pringles..............

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