This is the Message Centre for WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

hello again white wizard

Post 1


i have not seen you since the messy journal, how have you been?

hello again white wizard

Post 2

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

hello again white wizard

Post 3

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

ooops.Hi galen, Im fine thank u.Ive been reading a lot of entries just lately & dabbling in a bit of lurkingsmiley - cool how r u, ok I hopesmiley - smiley

hello again white wizard

Post 4


yes, i am now a scout, yipee

good to hear from you, drop by my PS sometime. i have just made it much bettersmiley - smiley

hello again white wizard

Post 5


just dropping by again, would you like to join 'opperation human shock'?

if so go here U190177

latersmiley - run

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