This is the Message Centre for WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Hello White Wizard...

Post 1


* enters cautiously *

Hello there White Wizard and Welcome to h2g2!

My name is GreyDesk and I am one of the Assistant Community Editors (or ACES) here at h2g2.

Us ACEs are a bunch of volunteers who help new researchers like yourself settle into the site by offering help and advice. Any questions you've got, just ask me and I'll come running along to help smiley - ok

There are two ways of getting in touch with me. You can either hit the *reply* button at the bottom of this message, or you can go to my homepage (point and click on my name at the very top of this message) and hit the *discuss this entry* button which is located towards the bottom of that page.

To get you started on the site there are a couple of places I recommend that you visit. First off try the Welcome Page here - <./>Welcome-Newcomers</.> which has got lots of the basics and "how to do it" tips and stuff. After that why not take the "h2g2 Tour" here - A317459 to see how it all fits together.

Some of the terms we use on h2g2 can be a bit confusing (heck its confusing to me at times!) To help you out with the jargon another researcher, Dasterdly, has written this great little article for your help and entertainment - A632431

There is also a newspaper published on site called The h2g2 Post (which is always good for a read) and they've put together a page of really useful links to places on the site where people are chatting and writing - A630019.

Well I hope that lot will keep you busy. And as I said before, if you need a hand just give me a shout.

Have Fun

GreyDesk smiley - alesmiley - smiley

* pets eagle on the way out again *

Hello White Wizard...

Post 2

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Thank u 4 your welcome to this strange world of yours, u have been most helpful.

Hello White Wizard...

Post 3


My pleasure smiley - smiley
I see by the other thread you've already bumped into Mina. Good move, she's one of the more interesting folk around this place. So much so that The Powers That Be have just given her a real job, paying real money to surf and be a Community Editor. Of course we're all now really jealous, as she's getting paid to feed her h2g2 addiction.

Hello White Wizard...

Post 4

Peter aka Krans

Yeah, hi White Wizard. Welcome. It's great to see new people on h2g2. Don't forget, it's not just the Volunteer groups who are around to help you out. If you're stuck, ask anyone - any and all of the researchers'll be pleased to give you a hand. Visit the h2g2 Space Farer's Cantina @

Hello Kranz

Post 5

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Hello & thank u 4 ur hospitality.This site is great with so many nice & interesting people.I went to ur cantin but got well confused so I left rather rapid.Im using a ntl digital set top box with a remote control.Because Im getting my transmission through a tv resulting in major headache cause the characters tend to diappear off my screen.Its even worse in clasic goo mode.Now where was I.Oh yeah, I play the keyboard & I used to be a dj.Im going to have my t now c u soon

Hello White Wizard...

Post 6

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Nearly forgot to tell u.The 3 monks r well smart

Hello White Wizard...

Post 7

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Hey there! Wargamer here!
I'd just like to introduce myself. I am the owner and operator of The Factory, and the manager of the Factory Fanatics, a Mutant League hockey team. Let me know if you need any equipment or supplies, be they magical or otherwise. smiley - ok

Hello War gamer

Post 8

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Hi wargamer, If possible I require the following: 3 sets of dpm's (one black set), 2pairs of para boots size 12, utility belt, covert radio with throat mike & prestal switch, 1 bergen, camo paint, night vision glasses, gps receiver, 9mm high power browning, any type of assualt rifle as long as it can be taken apart.Send me total bill pick up will be arranged at a later date.Yours white wizard.

Hello War gamer

Post 9

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Hmmm... interesting order...
Can I interest you in the Viper 145?

Hello War gamer

Post 10

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

whats the spec on the viper

Hello War gamer

Post 11

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Check the Think Tank (A692589). It's also got the Viper 70, an older model, but it's still damn deadly! The one downside is I'm the only one who's got any ammo for it (it fires caseless rounds).

Hello War gamer

Post 12

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

I'll have the 145 with 200 rounds of mixed ammo

Hello War gamer

Post 13

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Right... Lets see, it comes with caseless... smiley - erm
OK! How about this:
I'll give you the Viper with 200 Caseless rounds for £12,000 AND I'll throw in a silencer, how's that?

Hello War gamer

Post 14

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

how many bars of gold is that?

Hello War gamer

Post 15

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Bars of Gold?! Well... Hmm... Call it three, four if you want the Gold, or the Silver with an extra 50 rounds. Which would you like?

Hello War gamer

Post 16

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~ ones will do

Hello War gamer

Post 17

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Thanks for your business! smiley - biggrin
*Takes the four bars of gold and hands White Wizards a golden Viper 145 and 200 rounds, plus a golden silencer.*
Please come again!

Hello War gamer

Post 18

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Its been a pleasure, be in touch soon to pick other stuff up

Hello Wargamer

Post 19

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Take care!

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